Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Picture Time!!

What do you think of the new pic? is this one better or worse than the last one? leave me a comment and let me know what you think, that is, if anyone still reads this... :P

hehehehe. i don't know what to write, but i keep writing anyways. im kinda excited for the open house tomorrow. i want to see everybody. i saw haugen, and taft, and redig today at my brother's open house. 'twas interesting... veerry interesting.... someone should call me. btw, ive gone completely insane. just to let you guys know. I think im gonna join the GSA at southwest. and im gonna finish my story, yes THE story. the one with the vampires and werewolves and kristen like fiends. maaan im gonna miss kristen. who is gonna scream when i write mean things about her on my blog when shes all the way over at washburn? nobody, thats who. X(

Here it comes...

here what comes, you may ask. or if you're really thinking hard about it, you probably already know... its the dreaded S word.... noooo not that S word (why would you think that?) SCHOOL, ok i meant SCHOOL!!! geez, i can't get one statement out without you readers getting off task! But anyways, tomorrow is the open house, and school starts next tuesday already. OH NOES!!! how do we make it stop!? the time, the fragile pieces of what's left of summer are all slowly melting away like an ice cube in july. And homework, oh the piles and piles of homework, i can see it now...

man, i am NOT looking forward to this. :(

Saturday, August 9, 2008

50th POST!!!!

hip hip hooray. my 50th post of complete nonsense, and to think, you still continue to read it. :P well, my life has been slowly returning to the usual state of insanity as my mum is home, sarah is back on her feet begging to go to all night raves, and I am... well..... weird i guess. I really want to go to district tonight. hopefully i can find a way to go, connors phone is off. and this is making me angry. i want to go to the mall too. hmph. i hate being stuck at home on saturdays.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Ugh, when will it end!?

I havn't posted in forever, but things have been moderately, wait no, extremely insane over here. My mum went to the doctor for severe leg pain and they found a blood clot, so she went to the hospital, but came home wednesday, but that same night I went over there just to make sure that she was okay and that night she got really sick, so we went back to the hospital to find that part of the blood clot had moved to her lung, so unlike what I was thinking yesterday, she will probably be staying in the hospital until at least wednesday. grr. So my parents are going up to the cabin with all of my brothers until tuesday, and me and my sister are going to my aunts house for the weekend. Oh, and for whomever it may concern this means that I'm not going to Alex's party either, (even though I haven't seen him ALL SUMMER, and most likely won't see him for another month when school starts. ) *deep sigh* I think I need a hug.