Monday, April 28, 2008

I really do!


<3 <3 <3

(just thought I'd let you know)

<3 <3 <3


Mkay, so I was really sick today. I mean, I've been feeling crappy for the past few days, but today I was REALLY sick. considering my last post, it was probly karma. who knows. I was gonna go to school anyway, actually but I sat down for a second before leaving, just to get my backpack loaded up, but I couldn't get back up, so I was just "bleh, I give up" and I didn't go. And I'm really happy I didn't 'cuz I've been drugged up all day for my head and cold and stuff, to the point that I could barely think straight, and I slept like all day. bleh. I'm going back to bed.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

all better. mostly.

okaaay. essay done. mostly. except for the actual essay part, but I got the other essays and did the Venn Diagram, I just don't exactly know what we were sposed to write it on sooo, yeah. I'll turn it in on Tuesday. Hehe, today on myspace I got a friend request from a model, because he said that I looked cool. hehe. (It's all getting to my head now) hehe, EVEN MODELS THINK I LOOK COOL! jk. lol. soo just thought that I wouldn't leave myself in a panic, so I posted back in the calm. caaaalmmm... sSsTtUuPpiIdD SscCHhoOLl!!!!!! I HATE MONDAYS.

Ay me!

The weekend is already over, and back to school I go. Maybe, I've been getting sicker and sicker over these past few hours. I pray to God it's not mono. The thing that really sucks is that I won't be able to see my mom much until I get better, so I hope it goes away soon. really soon. Well, It's about nine O'clock on Sunday and Oh crap!! I just remembered that I haven't started my English essay! got to go! NOW!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Day of Silence and much much more!

so as many of you probly already know, today was national Day of Silence. woot! I'm also continuing my story, with a few changes, of course and my life's been changing quite a bit since I started posting. well, anyways, I really need to start hanging out with people more often, soo if any of you guys are ever bored, CALL ME!! even if its like midnight, I'll want to talk. (pathetic, I know) but, yeah, I'l start posting some of my recent poems, but I don't think I'll post my revised story, too long. I <3 you all!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Monday, April 7, 2008

Crying yet again...

I need someone to talk to. I think that is what explains the constant urge to blog, again, and again, and again. I going insane...

no, not insane like when I'm acting weird. I mean really, truly, literally, INSANE. somebody help me. :/

I feel blah-ish. And I want a hug. And I want someone to talk to. Someone I can really tell EVERYTHING. before my head explodes from keeping all of these thoughts and emotions locked up. Why can't people just listen without trying to fix me, or telling other people about me, or judging me? Why can't they just listen?! No funny faces, or critical words, or anything. Just another person that can really know me, another person that I can really know. grrr. you people are frustrating. grr my mind is frustrating.

what will I do?

Melancholy... *sigh*

I have been feeling very melancholy the past few days, or has it been weeks? However long it has been it feels like eternity. urrg. Depression? Feeling like giving up? geeze. I haven't felt like this since last year. oy! "Life is malignant." " Though you will not see my tears, I am still crying."
What are these thoughts doing in my head!? I'm supposed to be the usually happy person. usually. I don't know what to do now. I think I need a hug.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


So for those of you who have not yet heard my mommy is getting married in June. Yesterday I went with her to pick out a dress, shoes, a veil, and a tiara. YAY, we got them all, plus my bridesmaid dress. hehe. here's a link to the dress I'm wearing if you want to see.

and here's my mom's dress

Im soo excited!! hehe!