Monday, April 7, 2008

Crying yet again...

I need someone to talk to. I think that is what explains the constant urge to blog, again, and again, and again. I going insane...

no, not insane like when I'm acting weird. I mean really, truly, literally, INSANE. somebody help me. :/

I feel blah-ish. And I want a hug. And I want someone to talk to. Someone I can really tell EVERYTHING. before my head explodes from keeping all of these thoughts and emotions locked up. Why can't people just listen without trying to fix me, or telling other people about me, or judging me? Why can't they just listen?! No funny faces, or critical words, or anything. Just another person that can really know me, another person that I can really know. grrr. you people are frustrating. grr my mind is frustrating.

what will I do?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Read my blog on myspace, you will find that this is EXACTLY how I feel sometimes. Pretty sweet blog, by the way.