Tuesday, October 20, 2009

People... >_>

People.. irritate me. No, not all of them, but a great deal of them. The thing is, I'm sure I irritate people too.. but its like DUDE.
For instance- If somebody is minding their own business.. like at a bus stop.. how about NOT approaching them and trying to start a conversation about meth. Or how about NOT pulling up in your car and trying to get them in it.. for whatever sick reason you have. Chances are people have their own shi-erm crap to deal with, WITHOUT you coming along being a creeper.
Also.. people are cwazy. end of story. I'm crazy enough by myself, I dont need public contributions thanks :D
Also.. why is it that whenever something bad happens.. something ridiculous seems to need to follow.. making things horrible? Come on, God, can't you just like.. let them deal with the first bad thing before striking them with lightening? Or maybe I'm just cursed.. I wouldn't be surprised.
I can't write lately. It's not writers block.. I don't usually attempt to write unless I have something to write about.. and I seem to have a lot I could be writing about.. but motivation=non existent. so yah.
I'mma get my license soon here.. and then I'mma start volunteering at the humane society. Woot.
I think when I'm done with college or whatever I do.. I'm gonna go live in the woods for a while. hehe. And raise a troop of crazy ninja squirrels!!! .. or not..


Neautique Narcia said...

Well, one problem solver: GET MACE! :)

SAMiSAYSwRAwR said...

...mace is for squares. I'mma ninja, I dun need mace...