Monday, January 11, 2010

Guitar playing.. in need of more songs..

Trying to find songs that I actually wanna play on the guitar can be more difficult than I thought after getting the basics down. Ah well, I love the basics anyways, so maybe I'll just do what I can to make those better. Going back to school tomorrow after missing yet another day due to general pain and a doctor appointment. I think my body hates me. What did I ever do to you, sami, huh? Psh.
Ohh, and I may be looking forward to yet another surgery in the next couple weeks. Fun stuff.. Maybe I'll learn some more Jonathon Coulton stuff. Maybe I'll do some homework. (which REALLY needs to be done) Maybe I'll just go to bed. Eh, I gotta do SOME homework before I can sleep. I guess I'll go do that. My back is beginning to hurt (on top of all the other various pains).
Well, feels good to have at least a small blog post put in, even if its not saying much. Oh yeah, here I'll write about my weekend quick.
Friday- Very sore and achy all day. Stressed out at school. Chemistry teacher made me cry.(I think we went over this)Ohh, and italian food for dinner nomnomnom ^_^
Saturday- Nate came over at like 3. We played music, baked cookies, played halo, played some more music, almost wrote a song and he left at like 10ish. I watched some SNL with my parents but didnt feel good so I went to bed at 12. Woke up at 2am and was up throwing up all night until my dad kindly reminded me at 4am that I had pills for that which I promptly took and went to sleep.
Sunday- Slept until 4pm. Lazed around the house feeling horrible. Called my mommy and she picked me up and made me soup and we watched a movie about a bunch of idiots who all fell in love with the wrong people. Went to bed at 9.
Monday- (officially counts as a weekend for this week cuz I said so) Woke up, went to dads, went to doctor, picked up more pills, went home. Stayed in my room sleeping/ playing guitar/ interneting all day. Good stuff.
Tomorrow- We face the school once more.

Goodnight. :D

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