Saturday, June 21, 2008


today is going to be fun because I SAID SO. so there.


Monday, June 16, 2008

*tear runs down left cheek*

so sad that I do not get to see all of my good friends on a daily basis anymore. Alex why do you have to live so far away? hmph. well anyways, weird stuff has been happening lately, did anyone elses power go out on saturday? My mum's car got smashed into (the window is comepletely shattered, and I sliced up my arm on it. (owwey) and I haven't talked to any of my friends (other than online) since Jackie's (slightly depressing) party. Aww well. Who needs friends anyway (eye twitches slightly and I begin screaming at the Television) oh yeah, me. Somebody should call me or something, or come over, or give me something to do before I burn my house down, tear off all of my clothes, and start running down the street naked yelling "they're after me, they're after me!!" because my mommy would be angry if I did that. wrawr.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


only 1.5 hours left of school!! And I really don't want to go to this stupid little "completion ceremony" but I guess it can't be that bad, can it? Valley fair was fun yesterday, and the party on monday kind of sucked, but thats ok. Soo, yeah, I'd better get ready for these last couple hours of school... bleh.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

oh my...

I had the strangest dream last night, I was sitting in math class and we were doing this weird assignment that was on the board. And there were questions like "Who was your favorite teacher this year?" and "What did you enjoy most" so the whole class wasn't really paying attention (like usual) and I had a question about one of the questions, because I didn't understand a word or something, and so I asked Mr. Erickson and he was being a butt and was all like "you should have been paying attention, blah blah blah, I'm not telling" and I was like " you didn't explain this yet, you don't even know what I'm about to ask!" And so I got pissed when he wouldn't tell me still so I said "fine! I'll just answer all of the problems wrong because you won't answer my question!" And so I turned around to walk away and he like flicked me in the back right on the spine (you know, where it makes you shiver when somebody touches it) and I turned around holding up my fists saying "DON'T TOUCH ME!!" and so I went and sat down, but I didn't hit him or anything, then Mr. Bishop came up to me and was like "come to my office" and I was like "why?" and he was like"you know why" so I said "no, I don't. Tell me." and he said "Mr. Erickson said that you punched him" and I was like "That liar, I never touched him!! ask anybody! He's the one that assaulted me!!! he should be fired!" So he's like "come to my office anyway." so I went to his office and there were all of these video games everywhere, so I was pissed off thinking "So this is what happens to kids who get in trouble? They play video games?" So I started playing video games and I woke up.

Probably totally stupid and irrelevant I know, but for some reason this dream interested me, and I can't stop thinking about it. It was one of those dreams where it felt like it was real for a while, even after I woke up. So, what do you guys think?

ps- I told this dream to katie larson and she thought that I was talking about real life!! X )

Monday, June 2, 2008

If the world were run by Samis

-everything would either be purple or black
-everyone would be vegetarian
-the president would be an Emu
-every country would be represented by a different CareBear
-Normal would be considered the worst swear of all while Bitch would become part of every day language
-the World-Wide anthem would be Imaginary by Evanescence
-It would be Illegal to act to Dumb Blondish
-Boys would be no longer a necessary part of society and be cast away to a secluded desertish part of the world.
-People would worship the clouds
-Clowny-Banana-Head would be the most popular insult
-It would be illegal to name your child Kristen (brings back bad memories of demonic Kristen)
-The world would be amazing

Seeing this, how could you not agree that the world should be run by Samis?