Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Just a little update because I feel like writing, and what better place to go than here, right? Things have been okay for me lately, a little lonely (never thought I would say that, I'm usually begging for alone time) but nonetheless, working. Lately I've just felt kind of blank. like there is some void somewhere, but I can't quite place it. I'm really excited for after school tomorrow, I have been waiting for tomorrow since last wed. just because it was one of the first time in a while that I felt correctly placed. It was a personal utopia to tell you the truth. I have been finding little or no time on the other hand to spend with my friends, or to really spend with my family for that matter. It seems like when I am home, everyone is either super busy, or gone. And when I'm out, at things like school and such, I'm too busy to actually spend time with people. It's rather frustrating. And, heather would laugh at this, but I'm starting to really be worried about that what you might call "friendship" she's only one of like 3 people that I really know at school, and she's been kind of out there lately. It worries me, a lot.
But besides my paranoia and other nonsense things have been ok. blank, emotionless, empty, but ok.
oh and btw, I don't like geo. or english, this year, because they are frustrating, and we never do anything good, or beneficial. we don't even really write in English. we just answer questions out of our stupid text books. Text books that have like 5th grade level stories in them. grrr. I've taken a liking to spanish and math and band lately though, so that's good. Enough with my ranting, have a good day, week, month, and life!


Saturday, September 27, 2008

I have decided...

to become an amazing writer. and nothing you can say or do will ever change that. so there! hehe. and yes, I am aware of how random this is.
Btw I'm also going to be an amazing pilot, veterinary scientist, and pediatrician. My life just might take a while, but it'll be worth it. :P

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

tsk tsk tsk

Well, lets do a little recap on these past couple weeks shall we? Lets see, I started reading this really good book called The Witching Hour, its an Anne Rice book, so its gotta be good, right? My teachers have been practically drowning me in homework, and my Cello teacher got a new job, so i gotta find a new one :( but lets skip the rest, today was actually to some extent, interesting. In Amnesty we were working out our last attempts for Troy Davis, a convicted man that has been on Death Row for the past 15 years, and who's execution was set for 6:30 pm today, ( 7:30 His time in Georgia) but by the time we called, we got an automated message saying that nothing more could be done. So we left today with all hopes lost. But alas, THERE IS A GOD!!! http://www.amnestyusa.org/ Go here and click on Troy Davis. It was a last minute decision, but it feels like the world has been lifted off of me. He is not necessarily going to be let off of death row, but he is going to be getting a fair trial now, where they will hear his plea.

Anyways, I also got an unexpected, but well appreciated call from..... BRANDON!!! I haven't talked to him in ages! We had a nice conversation about how our lives have been since middle school.
Oliver is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO crabby today. hes been whining and crying since he got home. oh well.
Also, I think, no wait, I am sick sick sick. I think I have a cold or sinus infection or something, but my ears, nose, eyes and throat just hurt like CRAZY. I've been having to consume extreme amounts of cough drops and tea, just to be able to talk throughout the day.

Oh, yes, and I've been getting back on top of my writing, I have written tons of poems this past week and I'm finishing up that novel I've been working on. My goal is to eventually get it published. (ok so I know I may be dreaming a little big there, but better to dream big than to not dream at all, right?)

so, anyhoo, I better get started on all of that homework. XP ah well, school is just school.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

AAAAAAAAHHHHH. blagh. i feel dead.

so life is ok. homecoming is in a week and 1/2 and im hoping to go to that. but so far school is kind of... how do i say this... SUCKY. but we all expected that didn't we? just not THIS sucky. i don't know anybody in any of my classes or in my lunch. so i've come to finally pathetically spending my lunch time in the library, either reading or doing homework. this is on top of my mum still having heath problems and now im having to give her these shots in the stomach *shudders* and i barely get a chance to talk to anyone all day. My life at this point is wake up, go to school, come home, go to my moms, do homework, shower, sleep, and repeat. with the little details in between. i think i am actually going insane. somebody HELP ME!!!!!