Thursday, April 30, 2009


Monday- Miserable day.. made it through school and crashed right after cello.
Tuesday- Woke up, died inside, took a shower to try and feel better, felt worse and went back to bed.
Wednesday- Woke up, partially died inside, sucked it up, took some meds and went to school. Got sent home by Kirsten during lunch.
Thursday- Near exact repeat of Tuesday.
My spare time has been spent watching law and order online.. This is sad.

We can only imagine what is in store for Friday. I'm thinking I should be okay for the school day, but considering I'm yet to feel the least bit better, who knows...
Ugh, constant fevers, chills, headaches, body aches in general. The symptoms have been adding on since sometime last week but this week has been complete Hell. Literally. My body is like a freaking Inferno right now. o-o
I'm going back to bed.

Hope you guys are having a great week,

PS- if I get any more crap about this Swine Flu business.. I'm going on a killing spree. No joke.

PPS- ok.. maybe that's a little exaggerated. But only a little.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Makeup, System of a Down, Boyfriend, Job


heh. I'm getting ready to go to the Job Fair at the library today with Terrel while listening to SOAD. Completely at peace with the world (other than the occasional back spasms and other various pains).
I'm home alone this morning at my moms house. It's nice this way. So quiet (well other than the blasting music, of course).
Alex called at 6 this morning.. we talked until 10. Good Lord.
I've gotta get on the bus around 12, so I have time now that my hair has been managed to some extent. x)
Hmm.. I like writing. Really.. at this point its not even what im writing about, just thinking, turning thoughts to words and having these strange little symbols to express their meaning. Its really awesome in my head.
Well, I'm gonna get going.. here's a really good song.
Have an awesome weekend! ^-^

SOAD- Roulette

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Pillows are fluffy a lot.
Little kids cry a lot.
Parents yell a lot.
Friends are crazy a lot.
Sami is crazier a lot.

This is my life... ^-^

Wow.. its really early in the morning... perhaps too early. My phone started bleeping at me at 6:15 because of my alarm I'd set for school the previous day. >_> wrawr. But then I fell asleep. My phone started bleeping at me at 8:30 because of my Trall calling me. That's a better morning. :D
I has been sneezing lots. *aCHOO!*
Mah nose hurts... KAPOW!

I'm being weird today. And I can't think of anything witty or logical to say because I am tired. :P

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Poor Bloggy...

my blog is officially dying.. *sniffles*
It lived a long colorful life... and it will still be in use, just not as often, and with slightly less purpose..
poor poor bloggy...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Merry Easter!!!

What, Easter can't be merry too? Pah! Dying easter eggs to look like little bunny rabbits, getting yelled at for trying to wear jeans to church, having little brothers hyped up on easter candy... What could be merrier? (btw I'm still sticking with the whole 'nobody cares what I wear to church because they're too busy focusing on their own impression in society, even furthering the pointlessness of the notion' in my opinion.. there's truly no point what-so-ever. But if it makes the parents happy to see me walking funny in a skirt and tripping over high-heeled shoes... whatever, its only a couple hours a year..
I do really appreciate Easter though. What I don't understand is why Christmas is so hyped up in comparison. I mean, the birth of Jesus is indeed a very important mark in time.. but shouldn't his resurrection, what makes his time on earth so important in the first place, be a big deal? Damn commercialism. When you think about it, it really was/is a big deal. Looking back 2000-something years ago, there were people that had really put all their faith, there hopes, their entire lives into this one man. And then, thinking that he was a Miraculous being of sorts, believing he was the son of God himself, these people saw all they're hope, faith, their lives be humiliated, tortured, and hung on the cross- a symbol of shame, humiliation, and failure.
Seeing this, all that they had put their lives into was now gone.. from what they could tell.
But then, for those who had thought that all was lost, after two horrific, mournful days, news had spread that His body had been removed from his tomb... How could things get any worse? Not only killing this man, but someone was now possibly plotting to humiliate him further after death. What could they possibly be doing with his body? Lost in worry, suddenly more news- Jesus was alive. What? How? It couldn't be.. you want to smack the person who said it.. what kind of sick joke-
Then, turning around.. you see it.. you see Him.. After thinking all was lost, He's back.. and not only back, but proving all that He'd been preaching all along. He was indeed Miraculous. He was right, meaning that not only was there no loss, but worldwide gain. In a world filled with pain, suffering, and nothing to live for other than promises, there was now Hope. Not only Hope, but all those promises that one day there would be reason, one day there would be redemption... All those promises suddenly came through. Sin's burden was lifted from the world.

Yeah.. great story.. but wanna hear the best part?

It's true.