Thursday, April 30, 2009


Monday- Miserable day.. made it through school and crashed right after cello.
Tuesday- Woke up, died inside, took a shower to try and feel better, felt worse and went back to bed.
Wednesday- Woke up, partially died inside, sucked it up, took some meds and went to school. Got sent home by Kirsten during lunch.
Thursday- Near exact repeat of Tuesday.
My spare time has been spent watching law and order online.. This is sad.

We can only imagine what is in store for Friday. I'm thinking I should be okay for the school day, but considering I'm yet to feel the least bit better, who knows...
Ugh, constant fevers, chills, headaches, body aches in general. The symptoms have been adding on since sometime last week but this week has been complete Hell. Literally. My body is like a freaking Inferno right now. o-o
I'm going back to bed.

Hope you guys are having a great week,

PS- if I get any more crap about this Swine Flu business.. I'm going on a killing spree. No joke.

PPS- ok.. maybe that's a little exaggerated. But only a little.

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