Wednesday, May 28, 2008


because she has no true inner emotions and and has the mind power of a 5 year old. because she sees how things should be, rather than how they are, because she acts like she feels she should be, rather than how she is, and because she thinks everybody else should be the same way.
this is why.


that was a long post. 0.o


So if you are reading this, I'm sure that you have already heard about 6th hour spanish class to some extent, right? Today was by far the worst of them all. It's an extremely long story, but here goes:
so we were all sitting down after the bell rings and Sr. Luna is at the front of the room holding up a partially crumpled up sheet of paper saying "Who did this? Whoever put this on my cart could at least have the guts to talk to me and tell me this in person" or something of the sort. At this point nobody (or at least nobody from what I could see) had any idea what he was talking about so he went and he called Ms. Pittman and then he bagan to read just the first part what was apparently a poem. It was pretty much just a jumble of swearwords and other non-sense. Ms. Pittman then came into the class and began to read the poem, and she began to ask who put it on Sr. Luna's desk. Silence (of course) so she then had everybody in the room write down who we thought did it on a piece of paper (Now this is just asking for trouble) and as you could probably guess people just wrote down whoever they thought was weird or dumb or didn't like or something, rather thanwho actually did it (if anybody DID do it on purpose.)
Then the class got a speech from Ms. Pittman about how horrible of a class we are because Sr. Luna is such a great teacher (I'm not saying he isn't) and that we could say such horrible and disrespectful things to him, or that we knew who did it and wasn't fessing up about it.
So anyways, after we all handed her a piece of paper with a name (or saying that we didn't know who did it) she left and we began an actual spanish class. But, throughout the class people were being called up to Bishop's office one by one, obviously people that had their names put down on a piece of paper. None of those people did it (or at least said they didn't) and so we got scolded once again by Mr. Bishop.
Now Bishop is gonna be in our spanish class every day for the rest of the year and the whole class isn't allowed to watch any movies or go outside or any thing fun. And for all we know, somebody could have turned it in by accident with their spanish assignment because they were using the poem for English. grr.
I am not happy.

Speaking of poems for English one of mine got lost so now I have to try and make a new one. damn it.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Im sooooooo tiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrreeeeedd. bleh. I probly missed one of the most horibleee (yes, horibleee) days of school in the whole year, and I'm sad. It may have been the last chance I have to see Larissa, ever. She may have mono for the rest of her life (which may not be long with the wooden hanger I found, hehe) NEways, I dont wanna go to school today, Haugen still has some of my poems so I wasn't able to make my anthology, (stupid meany haugen ) and even If I DID have my poems, my mum's computer kept turning off in the middle of me writing my poems so I couldn't write them NEway. And I don't want any stupido confrontations about saying meany nasty things on my blog. ever. bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch. well guess what... I can be a bitch BECAUSE ITS MY BLOG!!!!! so there. clowny banana-head.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Organism.. hehe

If you are wondering what this is all about, every time somebody views this, coca cola cherry donates a small amount of money to my cause (charity water) to help give families clean water around the world and save lives. You can sign up too for free and help support your cause! go to Social Vibe and your set. If you sign up for charity water through this link, you will donate 1$ to charity water just for signing up. That can give clean water to many children for over a year! so sign up!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Treading on dangerous territory...

So, the end of the school year is getting closer, and the tension is building every day (as you can probably see on both mine and other peoples blogs.) So, today I'm posting a question, with all of these conflicts going on, do you think people should just let them go knowing that most of the people are going to different schools next year and that you won't have to see them for 3 months unless you want to, or should you try to resolve the conflicts risking makiong the situation worse. I mean, who knows, it could just resolve itself, or it could saturate and form a grudge. So keeping in mind the conflict from both points of view, what do you think I (people in general) should do?


Sunday, May 18, 2008


I sound really conceited and bitchy when I try to get a point across don't I? hehe, :-)

Saturday, May 17, 2008


If you're gonna say anything to me, either through comments online, or at school, or wherever. You better think it through and mean it! I don't want posts about how stupid some people are causing me to get idiotic remarks. I am happy to recieve thoughts, just not shallow, or completely pointless remarks.

hehe, ranting is relieving.. : #


some/ most of you may have already noticed this, but people have been really pissing me off lately. not just people in general, but the common sense that most people that I have come across lately seem to lack. I mean, just stupid reckless remarks that could really hurt people, even if unintentional. But if you kill someone, whether or not you intended to, they still are dead, and the same goes with hurting people. Then, when people try to express that they've been hurt, they become a bitch in that person's eyes simply because they lack the ability to see think through any situation other than the one that they are currently in. sorry for the rant, (heck, half of this probably makes no sense) but COME ON PEOPLE!! I know I may not act like the smartest person, and I know that I may not make the smartest choices, but even I know that other people have feelings too! this is like kindergarten rules!! By the way if I have come across as being pissy to you lately, It may not be because I think you are an idiot, but maybe because I've been stressed out from dealing with so many other idiots. so don't take any of this rant too seriously. also, as I have tried (and failed) to explain this, don't assume that you have any idea about what I am trying to say. you could be the cause of this rant without having a clue. Not saying you are, but I'm not saying you're not.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

2:20 AM

todya Id be up late. ugh, im going to bed.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I went to the downstairs 'puter and played a few games o' solitaire and before I knew it, it was 11:30. YIKES. solitaire causes time warps!


I want to sleep, but I don't want to go to bed yet. I wish there were more hours in the night. I'm gonna regret this tomorrow. wait, what am I saying? its only 10:30. soon to be 2:30, but for now, its not even that late yet. I have time to post 100 more posts tonight. I probly won't, but I could. hehe. hehehehehe. hehehehehehehehehehehehehe. blahdidadidummydoom. I'm gonna go get me some ICE SCREAM!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I just realized...

all of my most recent posts have been short, sweet (kinda), and filled to the brim with inside jokes. (In fact so filled with inside jokes that if my blog laughed, inside jokes would come out of her nose.) anyways, for those few that don't talk to me daily, and read my blog, I'm really not THAT insane. well maybe just a little. but the POINT is, hmm. there really isn't a point is there. ah well. Manitoba here I come. not really. hehe. wrawr.
Katie's Blog is da bomb
so is Jackie's blog but, for those reliable readers, you know that I am AMAZING. nobody tops me.
nobody. mwahahaha mmwahahaha hahaahaha hehehehehe heeeheeehee!!!!!!
mmhhmm, sorry 'bout that. but you know I RoCk!!

Winnepeg Manitoba!

me and my father have decided that we are going to fly to winnepeg. when, how and why don't matter. but we will do it. eventually.


ahh I'm a monster!! run away! see, I'm growling, *growl*. Don't forget your inhaler, and don't laugh so much, gummy worms will come out your nose!!!

Saturday, May 10, 2008


I got my cello today!

Friday, May 9, 2008


why did you guys let me stay up so late last night? I feel like i'm dying. I blame you.


I should probably go to bed, but who can when it is officially FRIDAY. only 15 1/2 more hours 'till party time!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008


haha! its all coming together! I'm signed up for my first cello lesson at 2:00 on saturday! I've been wanting to play FORever! yeaya! Also Jackie's Party is on Friday, and it's gonna Rock your Socks! I have most of the music playlist done, and the music is gonna be awesome. (of course) I found that even Kristen had some good songs on her list. kinda. And I added some R&B songs that I like that aren't on her list. hehe. I turned in my amazing vampire story to Mr. Haugen. (not the one on this blog, the other one) and I get to go to armatage today with concert band! I should really be getting ready for school though. bybye!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I'm soo excited!!!

Woot, Jackie's party is gonna be on friday and its gonna ROCK!!! I CALL BEING BARTENDER!!! jk. kinda... anyways I can't wait!!! btw, jackies blog is for those of you that want to learn more about her life. Also check out Katie H's new blog at

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I hope Kristen doesn't read this blog.

Possession, and how it may effect you.

Many that read this go to Anthony middle school and are in the 8th grade. But, be warned, there are more dangers in the 8th grade at Anthony middle school than you may know. Kristen Chalmers, a seemingly normal 8th grade girl roams those hallways, and usually minds her own business. But be careful not to piss her off, or bad, bad things will happen... Notice, she doesn't eat lunch at school, at least not in front of US. Really she sneaks off when nobody's looking, or waits after lunch to eat. Human flesh that is. Also, she has super demonic powers and works with Ms.Pittman and Mr. Haugen in a plan to destroy the human race through human POSSESSION.

... The next one could be you. Or even worse... ME!!! eeeeeeeeeeekkkkkk!!!!