Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Possession, and how it may effect you.

Many that read this go to Anthony middle school and are in the 8th grade. But, be warned, there are more dangers in the 8th grade at Anthony middle school than you may know. Kristen Chalmers, a seemingly normal 8th grade girl roams those hallways, and usually minds her own business. But be careful not to piss her off, or bad, bad things will happen... Notice, she doesn't eat lunch at school, at least not in front of US. Really she sneaks off when nobody's looking, or waits after lunch to eat. Human flesh that is. Also, she has super demonic powers and works with Ms.Pittman and Mr. Haugen in a plan to destroy the human race through human POSSESSION.

... The next one could be you. Or even worse... ME!!! eeeeeeeeeeekkkkkk!!!!

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