Saturday, May 17, 2008


some/ most of you may have already noticed this, but people have been really pissing me off lately. not just people in general, but the common sense that most people that I have come across lately seem to lack. I mean, just stupid reckless remarks that could really hurt people, even if unintentional. But if you kill someone, whether or not you intended to, they still are dead, and the same goes with hurting people. Then, when people try to express that they've been hurt, they become a bitch in that person's eyes simply because they lack the ability to see think through any situation other than the one that they are currently in. sorry for the rant, (heck, half of this probably makes no sense) but COME ON PEOPLE!! I know I may not act like the smartest person, and I know that I may not make the smartest choices, but even I know that other people have feelings too! this is like kindergarten rules!! By the way if I have come across as being pissy to you lately, It may not be because I think you are an idiot, but maybe because I've been stressed out from dealing with so many other idiots. so don't take any of this rant too seriously. also, as I have tried (and failed) to explain this, don't assume that you have any idea about what I am trying to say. you could be the cause of this rant without having a clue. Not saying you are, but I'm not saying you're not.

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