Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Treading on dangerous territory...

So, the end of the school year is getting closer, and the tension is building every day (as you can probably see on both mine and other peoples blogs.) So, today I'm posting a question, with all of these conflicts going on, do you think people should just let them go knowing that most of the people are going to different schools next year and that you won't have to see them for 3 months unless you want to, or should you try to resolve the conflicts risking makiong the situation worse. I mean, who knows, it could just resolve itself, or it could saturate and form a grudge. So keeping in mind the conflict from both points of view, what do you think I (people in general) should do?



Katie said...

Damn Fucking Straight. I'm not sure I really want to answer the question, along with the reason that I haven't really come up with an answer, but it's a really good way to sum it up.

SAMiSAYSwRAwR said...

I'm scared of fights, but also scared of completely destroying anything worth loving about all of my friendships. what to do, what to do...