Monday, March 31, 2008

Friends :/

What is a friend to you? To me a friend is someone that I can truly talk to and listen to without being judged, or judging. Someone that I will always love and care about. Sure, I will say that people are my "friends" really just meaning people in my every day life that don't really disgust me, but doesn't everyone? I know in my heart that I only really have two "friends" that I can count on for anything, and would trust them w/ my life, and while some people find this "sad", I think it is a really nice thing. Some people are surrounded by people who they might call "friends" but these types of friends are nothing but pain in the long run. What is the point of having 80 "friends" that when you really need them, you find that they don't care about you at all. I know I'm on a bit of a rant right now, but hey, I felt it needed to be said, and I'm sure that anybody w/ Friends that aren't completely superficial would agree with me.

The only trouble now is what to do when a friend is being IMPOSSIBLE!! Like I said earlier, a friend is not someone you can just drop, but I actually got asked by a friend the other day "do you hate me?" It is not even possible to explain how painful those words are to hear. Was I really sending that message to someone that I know I love and care about? oy! I actually had to be excused from class for a couple minutes to "go to the bathroom" because I thought I was going to cry. And while I am willing to admit that I cry WAY to much, I just wish there was some way to make everybody happy, and fix all the wrongs in our lives.

I think I am going to go call a friend...

Good Night everybody. Good Life all my friends.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Today was the last day of school until spring break! wrawr. I'm currently at Jackie's house with Katie, Heather, Savanna and obviously, Jackie. Next week I'm planning on starting my next short story, so I can begin posting that. WHEE SPRING BREAK HAS BEGUN!!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

soo, yeah

Today was pretty productive. We watched things bubble and boil in science, and we watched a movie in Spanish. Heather came over after school and stayed until around 9:00. Ever since I've just been lounging watching southpark, when I really should be doing some homework. Tomorrow we have the big English test and Science test. blah. Because my story is done, I have nothing specific to write about at the moment, but decided that I might as well post something anyway. soo, yeah. Until Tomorrow. Adios. Sayonara.

Monday, March 24, 2008


whoever invented play-dough is the greatest person ever. i LOVE play-dough. especially at 11:00 at night when I cannot sleep.
Well after all of that Easter Sunday wild partying, I was pretty tired this Monday. But with a nice nap in math class I was back up and going and relatively prepared for the debate. Stupid debate that I got an A- on. can't really complain though, knowing that I got a better grade than a lot of other people though, and I felt pretty confident the whole time. hehe. Mr.Haugen judged people pretty harshly. the big meany. I think he might be in a bad mood because the Christmas season is way over and the Easter Bunny is taking his pride. hehe. well I figure just to get it over with, I'm gonna post my last chapter to my story tonight. Please comment and give suggestions! (That's why I posted it in the first place sillies!)

Chapter 3.

As I sat in the darkest corner of my half ripped down apartment, previously abandoned by humans, I wondered what I would do with my monstrous self and with thoughts of shame, death and murder, the sun began to rise, and I drifted into my nightmares. Nightmares may not be the correct word for what I went through every time I shut my eyes, because they were not the darkest parts of my imagination, but rather the darkest corners of my life, and death for that matter.
That night was a particularly rough one, for I could barely rest with images of my rebirth, my death, and the beginning of my immortality.
It is peculiar to me now, that all I could think about as I felt the life being drained out of me was my wife, and my children. Oh, how long it has been since my mind has even crossed over that thought, that life. My long forgotten “family” who are probably a long time dead by now, what grief they must have suffered over my disappearance, over my “death”; what grief it caused me to think about them every day, and to know that I could never see them again, or they would be killed.
After years of this agony my mind couldn’t take the pain any more and I forgot about them for years. But my old memories, my thoughts of them eventually came back to me through my hideous dreams; my nightmares. And even then, even now, to know that they have left this world without me, tears me apart inside. They make death sound even more appealing.
As a human I always loved life. All I ever wish for now is death.


Once again please comment and give ideas either for a new story or for fixing up this one. Thanks!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday...

well its easter, so I decided rather than chance spending more time with my family than necessary, I will post the most easteriffic thing I can think of, the next chapter to my vampire story, so here goes.

Chapter Two.
I walked back to my shabby hideout that night, cold and alone. I wondered what would become of me. To become a monster of the night, that goes around taking away innocent life. This couldn't possibly be my fate, but what else could I do? Suicide? Lock myself away? No, I would have to find a way to live. But how?

With all of these thoughts running through my mind that night, I was doubtful that I would be able to let myself live on. I was a monster; I could never love, nor be loved. I was a killer and deserved to die. I was even brought into this horrid hell illegally, if you can imagine. The vampire that got me into this mess by biting me, (Oh, how I wish he would have just killed me then.) Was on the run from the entire Vampire population, for he had committed the worst of all crimes. He had betrayed the Vampires, joined the werewolves, and killed one of his own kind, or what used to be his own kind.

Being the kindred of this betrayer, I too, was abandoned by the Vampire population and will be killed if I am ever found speaking to, living with or even being near another vampire. Destined to spend eternity alone, never to be trusted by anybody that might understand me. Originally, I would have said that I didn't deserve this fate. That it was unfair. Now, I'm not so sure.

Death itself might have been more appealing than this life, or limbo, that I chose to live in. But my will to live took over and even what would have been best for me, was out of the question. My will to live, being nothing but an impediment in what would be the perfect death, therefore I despise it more than anything.

Keep checking for the last chapter! Chapter 3 coming whenever I feel like it!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Hmm School...

Yes, YUCKY YUCKY school. Im soo bored, its sad, really. My teacher is right next to me, and yet to notice anything. Not that I'm doing anything wrong, Im done with that Planet Project anyway. And because Im not home and cannot post the rest of my story, I'll just post a boring, regular blog. hehe. Tonight I'm going to my high-school registration thingy, and I've finally prepared a List of classes I plan on taking next year.

AP Human Geography
Honors Geometry
Concert Band
Honors English 9

And for extra curricular classes I'm taking:
Pit Orchestra
GSA (Gay Straight Alliance)

Ive finally convinced my parents to sign me up for Cello lessons (soo excited) and I've. completed all of the major projects of the school year, so I'm preparing for MCA testing, and working on my writing and journaling at home a bit more lately (hence the story, and the blogging in general)
Life's Good.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Short Vampire Story

Content Warning!!!
This entry, and series contains some mildly explicit content. For those who are easily offended by such material please do not read, and do not complain of you do. You have been warned. For all of my school friends, please read! It isn't THAT bad!!

Chapter One

It was a night colder than most, and the wind was blowing making it even harder to withstand. But the hunger, the addiction grew worse and I went out anyway. I needed something, anything to hold me off. Rats even, if necessary. It seems so far away, but when I was first reborn, turned into what I am, I vowed that I would not kill any human, under any circumstances. But then I saw her.

She was walking on those city sidewalks. Obviously drunk, but even then she walked with beauty and grace. I watched her and stealthily followed her into an alley, before I confronted her. Up close, her beauty was even more obvious and from there on out I knew there was no going back. I greeted her cautiously, wary of scaring her off, and she became almost interested in a conversation we began about the troublesome habits of drunken men.

Before I knew it I was kissing her, and although my dead lips felt nothing, the passion was still there, her warm blood was dripping down my lips and into my hungry, waiting mouth, after a few seconds she opened her eyes and screamed. I dreaded killing her, but not being able to bear the horrible sound that came from her lips, and afraid of the noise attracting the public, I took my dead, shaking hands and ended it all with a snap of the neck.

Like a monster I stood there in that alley finishing what I had begun, satisfying my hunger with her still-warm blood. And when finally, there was none left, I fled from that horrific alley and that miserable whore that had made me realize what I now was. A monster.

Keep checking for updates on chapter 2!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Why Not?

So for all of you that actually LISTEN to what I am saying when I am talking non-stop at school, my nonsense is no longer limited to those 7 miserable hours of being at school. You can now choose to read what I have to say when I'm at home too! So, although it may not be quite up to par with hearing my obnoxious voice when I am on a rant, or the sound of me screaming at Kristen because she had been driving me up the wall, it is better than nothing. Or worse, depending on who's reading. So with that said, why not?