Monday, March 31, 2008

Friends :/

What is a friend to you? To me a friend is someone that I can truly talk to and listen to without being judged, or judging. Someone that I will always love and care about. Sure, I will say that people are my "friends" really just meaning people in my every day life that don't really disgust me, but doesn't everyone? I know in my heart that I only really have two "friends" that I can count on for anything, and would trust them w/ my life, and while some people find this "sad", I think it is a really nice thing. Some people are surrounded by people who they might call "friends" but these types of friends are nothing but pain in the long run. What is the point of having 80 "friends" that when you really need them, you find that they don't care about you at all. I know I'm on a bit of a rant right now, but hey, I felt it needed to be said, and I'm sure that anybody w/ Friends that aren't completely superficial would agree with me.

The only trouble now is what to do when a friend is being IMPOSSIBLE!! Like I said earlier, a friend is not someone you can just drop, but I actually got asked by a friend the other day "do you hate me?" It is not even possible to explain how painful those words are to hear. Was I really sending that message to someone that I know I love and care about? oy! I actually had to be excused from class for a couple minutes to "go to the bathroom" because I thought I was going to cry. And while I am willing to admit that I cry WAY to much, I just wish there was some way to make everybody happy, and fix all the wrongs in our lives.

I think I am going to go call a friend...

Good Night everybody. Good Life all my friends.

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