Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday...

well its easter, so I decided rather than chance spending more time with my family than necessary, I will post the most easteriffic thing I can think of, the next chapter to my vampire story, so here goes.

Chapter Two.
I walked back to my shabby hideout that night, cold and alone. I wondered what would become of me. To become a monster of the night, that goes around taking away innocent life. This couldn't possibly be my fate, but what else could I do? Suicide? Lock myself away? No, I would have to find a way to live. But how?

With all of these thoughts running through my mind that night, I was doubtful that I would be able to let myself live on. I was a monster; I could never love, nor be loved. I was a killer and deserved to die. I was even brought into this horrid hell illegally, if you can imagine. The vampire that got me into this mess by biting me, (Oh, how I wish he would have just killed me then.) Was on the run from the entire Vampire population, for he had committed the worst of all crimes. He had betrayed the Vampires, joined the werewolves, and killed one of his own kind, or what used to be his own kind.

Being the kindred of this betrayer, I too, was abandoned by the Vampire population and will be killed if I am ever found speaking to, living with or even being near another vampire. Destined to spend eternity alone, never to be trusted by anybody that might understand me. Originally, I would have said that I didn't deserve this fate. That it was unfair. Now, I'm not so sure.

Death itself might have been more appealing than this life, or limbo, that I chose to live in. But my will to live took over and even what would have been best for me, was out of the question. My will to live, being nothing but an impediment in what would be the perfect death, therefore I despise it more than anything.

Keep checking for the last chapter! Chapter 3 coming whenever I feel like it!

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