Wednesday, February 4, 2009

a neverending dream...

hehe.. I'm listening to that song right now. =P
anyways... today was really good actually. I was extremely exhausted on and off, but otherwise it was a completely good day. No downfalls or changes of moods for the most part, even walking home, I amused myself by smiling the whole way. Even when Trall called saying he couldn't hang out today.. It was ok. Not that I didn't want to see him, but I'm really just kind of glad that he can relax with his friends and have fun... after dealing with me so far this week, God knows he deserves it... =P
I think it has to do with starting the day off good. In first hour we got assigned this writing thing, and I had a little too much fun with it. He asked for a paragraph in 10 minutes... I gave him two pages in 45. =P It was about Sasquatch... roflmao... xD
I actually had a lot of crazy sci-fi ideas emerging while writing it, but I was running low on time. I think I just might turn it into something bigger when I get it back... maybe. I can never guess myself when it comes to capability to do things such as this.
Speaking of which, I still gotta get my poems together. My English teacher is going to try and get me published in the school magazine, and Narcia has mentioned us getting some of our stuff published together, in a book or something. So things are looking up in that area, compared to before anyways, where they weren't looking anywhere, kind of blind really... =P
ha... I'm listening to Less Talk More Rokk by Freezepop... and it really makes me want to go to a party or rave or something... >,<
I am excited for Friday, that sounds fun :)
Well, I gotta leave to my mum's house now. Exciting because it's been almost two weeks now... :P

I love you guys!!!

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