Monday, February 2, 2009


hehehe... pms x_x
yesterday was fun... really, really, REALLY fun... I wanna do it again. ^.^
Aside from that I've been kinda moody, kinda jumpy, and kinda sorta REALLY tired... I should probably be napping or something right now. For some reason today went by really quickly. I remember sitting in 6th hour and suddenly burst out with "OH SHIAZZ THE DAY IS ALMOST OVER!!!" hehe... surprising? nah...
hmm... right now I guess I'm just kind of floating... no serious thoughts or emotions. I'm not extremely happy, or sad. Just kind of here, and enjoying it... more happy than not I suppose. =P Today was pretty good... relaxed. I don't dread tomorrow, but I don't particularly want to go back... I would rather go spend the day with Terrell ^.^ if only such things were easier... =P
I'll probably end up going to my mom's house tonight, I haven't seen her in over a week =< I just hope that we have a good night =)

Never went to mom's... slightly saddened by that...
feeling stupid about some other things said... wanting to go to bed simply so the day can end... ><

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