Saturday, January 24, 2009

The usual weekend insanity...

At my mum's house for the weekend I am left in a rather good mood... whether it be the relief of the semester's end, or the excitement of the weekend's activities; I am content. If all goes well, today I will be able to spend a couple hours with Terrell before going over to a friends house for a mini jam-session. funfun!^.^
I've slowly been catching up on sleep, which is nice after only getting a couple hours every night this past week... I went to bed at like 11 last night, and I slept in 'till 10. *yay*
So, I feel good, and I have plans for a nice, eventful yet relaxing weekend. I never want it to end! (Too bad it will, and way too soon)
Well, I'd better be going soon, finishing up chores and stuff while I have the chance...

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