Friday, January 30, 2009

extreme sleep deprivation... O_O

yeah... the title pretty much explains all that follows... lmao.
-Going to Rochester w/ Narcia this weekend... funfunfun ^.^... I just hope I get home in time... =/
-I need sleep... NOW!!
-I can't go to bed until my parents get home tonight...
-Parents out until midnight... ><
-You can tell I'm emotionally worn when I can't even put together a normal blog post... but bullet points can still get the general message across I guess... -,-
-Ugh... trying to hold 3 conversations and post a blog=not easy... especially for someone with as many attention deficits as I...
-Hey look! A squirrel!!
-I told you this was an issue... ><
-Ugh... my back hurts... a lot.. >< no more advil... WHY!?
-need sleep... want sleep...
-Jackie, you said you would call back in a couple seconds... this was an hour ago... -,-
-I wonder if I will actually get to see Terrell this weekend. It's been a week now.. =/
-we have had some rather enlightening/interesting conversations since then though... very interesting... lol.
-I'm gonna go lay down... yeah.. that sounds nice...
-*ends other conversations*

*lays down and meditates*
ahh... this is what weekends were meant for... ^.^

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