Monday, January 19, 2009

Floating on a Cloud

The blue sunlit sky hangs overhead,
Awakening spirits, both living and dead,
Music floats through that cool winter air,
Leaving no room for worry or care.

Her once clouded life, now fearless and free.
She never had realized what happiness could be.
And the people all asked, “Who is this girl, for we had not known her before…”
“Her face is familiar, but her smile; unseen. We thought she would show it no more.”

Now off on her cloud, she floats through the skies,
With an ecstatic heart, and sparkling eyes.
Now so hopeful, so happy, so high,
That she never foresaw a dark cloud in the sky.

And as that cloud passes, she’s drenched with rain,
Left too wet and cold to float once again.
Tears pouring down, she’s more than distraught,
But then out of nowhere, is struck with a thought:

“This sadness, these tears, are not a blue moon,
Just the pain in your past, to which you turned immune.
With happiness brought, by that shining light,
You’d forgotten the sadness of life’s pitch-black night.

And with that happiness, with that light, to you came a small cost,
The immunity you had gained through scars, is now forever lost.”
So only in contrast, to the happiness she’d met,
Life’s fated rainfall was more agonizing yet.

The rain pours down, but the sun shines through,
Showing the girl, what she already knew.
Is it better to fly, and fall to the ground?
Or get used to the shadows, where love is not found?

But wrapped up in her cloud, she once again flies,
Because she knows of happiness that lies within the skies,
And no amount of broken bones will keep her from that flying,
For being left down on the ground, she knew that she was dying.

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