Sunday, October 19, 2008

Back home and ready to roll. well, back home anyways.

SOOOOOOoooo... how was life without me for a week? Unbearable, I know. :P either that or peaceful- same thing really. hehe. so school starts again tomorrow (man, that really brings down a good mood... ) and most of my friends have been getting into reasonable amounts of trouble these past couple weeks. Narcia has been grounded (though I think thats over now) and Alvin(this is my knew name for alex because it is amusing) almost got put into juvinile hall (no kidding) for arson. WTH!!!!???? And is now at home (thank God) but in a lot of trouble as you could probably imagine. bleh. Have you ever had the feeling where you just don't want to be anywhere at all, when you don't really want to be at home, but you don't want to go anywhere either. It is such a hopeless feeling. And then you end up moping over yourself for who-knows-how-long trying to figure out a cure for insanity.
Its so easy to feel more lost than imaginable now. I often wonder if it is just me, or everyone else, but just in a less vocal way. Its hard to believe that everyone else is going through this at the same time mostly because there doesn't seem to be an affect on them. They are all just a bunch of giggly cliquey girls that are always laughing about or at someone/thing, or a bunch of guys goofing off and being dumb about something or another. And then, the teachers are the worst, taking complete dictatorship over all of these numb brained teens without any responsibility or sensitivity to what they are actually doing. I actually got a note on my English paper saying that yes it was well written and exemplified the subject that we were writing on, but I have too much going on in my life, and should stop over thinking things in my writing. What happened to Thoughtful Essays? Thought in itself just seems to be a recently forgotten matter, either that or it has never existed and I am only realizing it now.
I could really use an extended period of peace right about now, but alas, school begins in less than 12 hours and I need to begin preparing w/ things such as completing homework and sleep.
I love you guys. Call me.

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