Friday, October 10, 2008

Continuing on w/ our lives.

So, I haven't posted in a while... (kind of hard to do when your teachers are drowning you in hw) But for those that are unaware, I am leaving for my mission trip on sunday. (yes this sunday) and I will be gone for a week, getting back just in time for my Uncle's wedding. And In that note, my mom may be getting married next week, a small private wedding, but it would be legal then.
Back to the mission trip, Ginger and I will be going to Mendenhall, Mississippi, a poor, rural part of Mississippi where we will be w. some members of our church helping out people in the community through the church, the schools, and just some neighborhood people that could use some help. Im really excited, a little nervous, but excited nontheless. Schools been getting a little better lately. I've actually found myself to be a little numb to everything at school, which is probably why it is better, but I think I'm picking up my actual schoolwork a little better, just one less thing to be stressed out about, and that's nice. Its kind of scary though to be truthful. I've found myself becoming more and more "numb" to nearly everything around me lately, as if my personality has been just slowly melting away. I've been praying a lot, and improving my realationship w/ God is a releif more than anything, but other than that, my friendships are becoming less and less personal, with me not being able to really spend time w/ anybody anymore.
Well besides this entire post's melancholy tone, believe it or not, things in my life seems to be improving to some extent. I've been able to get a lot more involved in my music lately and that seems to bring a general joy, the other day I was kind of daydreaming while playing my flute, and like 15 minutes had passed without me really realizing what I was playing, or that I was even playing, and when I snapped out of it I was kind of shocked. I still wonder what I was playing, or what it sounded like... hmm... I've also been getting more proactive w/ my cello (I got a new teacher) and I've been talking to Mr. Liuzzi about taking up the Sax. again because he was talking about putting together sax. quartets. I also hope to get our keyboard fixed soon, so I can get back up there w/ the keyboard. The funny thing is how much time I actually spend w/ all of this music (i enjoy it more than anything) yet I can't see myself going any further than high school w/ my music. (I still want to be a veterinary scientist, or something of the sort.) It really makes me wonder how my life will turn out... hmm.
If you get the chance, call me before I leave, I would really like to talk to you.


Katie said...

We need to get together sometime! I haven't seen you in forever! Lol, no wonder you're so out of wack! *hug*

SAMiSAYSwRAwR said...

*puts on sarcastic voice* yes, it is only YOU that would keep me in line. *regular voice* though we should get together sometime. It has been FOREVER!!!