Thursday, October 30, 2008

school, halloween, and life's general insanity.

So with the end of October nearing, there is good news, and bad news.
Good News- Halloween is tomorrow, meaning candy, scary movies, and altogether good times :D
Bad News- End of first quarter, meaning grades, meaning report cards, meaning getting scolded for my not-so-hot grades this quarter. eh. It makes me feel so depressed and generally disgusted that just to think about it makes me want to drop down dead.
They aren't as bad as I though they might be. But I have two Cs, one A-, and the rest Bs. grrr. Its not like I didn't try or anything. I just don't know what went wrong.
I have a C in English, because of not turning in all my work (he won't let me turn in stuff that I missed when I was gone, even though he didn't tell me about it when I asked him what I would be missing while I was gone. Along with some other things that I just didn't manage to turn in.
I have a C in geometry because I just don't get it, at all. And no matter who I try to ask for help, It just doesn't seem to be helping very much.
I have a B in band because I couldn't make most of the pep band events.
I have a B in Spanish because of grades on quizzes and tests
I probably will have a B in Geography by tomorrow, because he still needs to put some of my work into the computer, but im not sure yet
And I have an A- in Biology, because I <3 Biology, and see no faults whatsoever in the class. :D

Anyways, so today as you can probably tell has been stressful for me to the point of near insanity, and I am kind of excited for it to end, yet am not to pleased with the idea of going back tomorrow. Though after school Halloween events are intriguing enough to keep me content throughout the day, just waiting for that 3:00 Bell to ring.
I am also nervous about this upcoming band concert. I have been practicing almost non-stop when at home, but I have a deep down feeling that we are going to do miserably, because I seem to be one of very few that are practicing at all. SOOOO FRUSTRATING!!! I really don't want to perform in such a sucky concert, but I am also left feeling helpless because I see no personal opportunity for changing of fates. If any of you guys do, please LET ME KNOW!!!
I am tiredtiredtiredtired.
I still need to go to the store, shower and do my Biology homework though. so, for now I'd better call it a post.
I love you guys <3

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