Friday, January 16, 2009

At last...

And finally, once again the week is at its end, and I am once again at peace with myself... well- as close as one in my position could get to it. Fresh out of the shower, I am warm, clean and can't wait to not wake up tomorrow morning... (What a strange aspiration... ^.^)
I'm very much looking forward to Sunday when it seems that I will be able to once again see Terrell. Hopefully this time coming home without nearly passing out upon looking in the mirror afterward. I'm sure Jackie is getting sick of the frantic "JACKIE JACKIE!!! MAKE IT GO AWAY!!!" phone calls by now... =P
So, this past while I have been actually pretty content; whether or not it is seen that way by others. I have been finding the need for a bit more "ME- time". Not that I don't absolutely love and adore all of my friends, but right now I just seem to have the need of a break from that social extravagance. Most of today consisted of walking from class to class, sitting in the emptiest corner of the classrooms and drawing while taking small mental notes of lectures on the side. (And I am actually pretty happy with that drawing as of now, btw). When conversations were initiated (by others, of course) I ended up ending them as quickly and politely as I could. Once again, this is not because I don't love talking to my friends, it's just me having a strange while...
And as stated earlier, don't get me wrong, I am very happy. Just as of now, happy spending some extra time with me. So, if I seem kind of down, or moody lately... It's just me, and it will- as always- pass quickly.

On to other, less repetitive topics: tomorrow I think we have a pep band thing for a hockey game... but from the looks of the sign up sheet nobody very fun, or that I know very well is going to be there... :* but I don't mind hockey, and I need the points, so I signed up anyways. Anthony is probly gonna be there though, so it shouldn't be too bad...
Not to mention how.. ermhrm "Interesting" that last pep band event was... lmao.

Well, for another on the verge of being a late-night blog post, I think this will suffice... for now. =P
Sweet Dreams to all, have an awesome weekend!


Neautique Narcia said...

Sami, I never tire of that Conversation... "make it go away!" you think I do? huh... I'm gonna go "count the spiders on the wall..."

SAMiSAYSwRAwR said...

jackie.. that's kind of sick... just thought you ought to know.
And are you telling me that you enjoy my pain!?
Gee, thanks.... =P