Sunday, March 29, 2009

Soo.. happy day!

Yesterday night Nate came over and we hung out for a while... that was fun.. It was nice to feel like I have a life again.. x) Though what we did was kinda sad... we pretty much played video games, and talked about nothing in particular. It was still fun.. And now, I get to go see Trall! Who, btw I haven't seen in over a week now.. o-o
YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

okee, enough of that. Side affects of drugs taken yesterday are finally beginning to wear off.. so I'm feeling absolutely wonderful! (though I do realize its mostly relative)

ok, gotsa go see trall now!! YAY!


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Eh... I'm no good at this...

Okok.. It's been a while.. I've been really bad at this lately.. But aHA! Now I am able to give the mostly full story behind doctor appointment results. So... I've got the Factor 5 gene... o-o.. This is no good..
And then, I went to the doctor yesterday again to get two more prescriptions for two more totally unrelated things. Not to mention, in a little over a week, I'll be going to ANOTHER doctor to see whether or not I'll be going on MORE meds. And then finally, I now have to go see a blood doctor to be counseled on what I can and cannot do for the rest of my life due to this gene.
I never want to see any doctors ever again. Too bad, at this rate I'll be moved into a doctor's office by May.
I semi-promise to post more... I should be a little less stressed out with all of this stuff getting finally figured out. And once all of this medical stuff is over with (if it ever will be) I should on some more solid ground.
Also this quarter at school is wrapping up.. so in about a week I will either be relieved, or more miserable. We shall see... I've finally gotten my math grades up, but with extra time spent into doing that my English grade (of all classes!) is now dropping... xP
I miss my friends... I feel like I've not really spent any time with anyone lately. :/
And in all honesty.. I really haven't.

Ok.. I'd best be wrapping this up for now.. I'm working on posting more often again. bleh. I'd been posting like every day if not more in November.. :P


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

needles... O_O

ok.. anyone who knows me well would know that I'm not one to be afraid of needles... but still... ick.
I dun like doctors... whether it's arguing w/ them about going on cruddy medications, or about becoming a medical guinea pig.. its no fun.
Well, at least I get a pretty band-aid.. (I'm going to a pediatrician and therefor counting on getting the pretty band-aids) Not to mention actually finding out about this whole factor 5 gene, shmeal... :P
Then I can go on birth control without dying... WOOT! jkjkjkjkjk JK gosh!
I'm not that bad... plus, bc really screws around with my head.. xP Not to mention I actually get my period every month when I'm on it.. that would suck.. x_x I'm perfectly content with this whole 3x per year deal ^^
That's another thing though, I've also gotta figure out why that happens... not that it's bad or anything, but I don't wanna find out later that it means that I can't have kids or something.. also there's that possibility that it's somehow related to the crazy anxiety/depression I've been dealing with lately... yet another thing that needs to be looked into..
Stupid mood swings.. I don't like it at all.. T~T too much crying and being all stressed out for no good reason. hmph..
My mum and I got into a mini-fight today too.. too many tears shed for stupid reasons.. in the end we were back laughing and apologizing to eachother like crazy, so it's all good..
I also got to see trall today, we hung out downtown for a while after the parade.. it was lots of fun. Though, some guy came up to me and asked me for a cigarette, calling me Veronica O_o And then another guy came up to me and smelled me or something.. xP
Weirdos... :P
I'm kinda worried about Terrell though.. things have been kinda intense for him lately.. and he was asposed to call me back.. :/ I'm not upset or anything, just wish I knew that everything was ok...

Well, I think I'mma wrap this up for now... I'll post the results of tomorrow morning's adventure later...

Happy St.Patty's Day!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Ick... XP

Sooo.. yeah.. I fell asleep at like 8 last night... and I woke up to a screaming baby at 8 this morning. (Not to mention, I went back to bed twice today x_x) but that's different. ><
I don't like this. I've been in and out of bed all day, after getting 12 hours of sleep. well, subtract an hour. Terrell called me at 12, staying on the line just long enough to wake me up completely before leaving. psh. so I was up for like an hour after that...
And my parents are being kinda mean today... :/ but they're gone now. And I can, of course, always go hide in my room when this happens.
Wow... I sound really pathetic right now.. -.- eh.

In other news, I'm baby sitting Ava and Ilsa today, so that will be fun. I always enjoy babysitting them, they're so sweet ^^
Hopefully I'll be able to hang out with Terrell tomorrow... its been a near full week, and I miss him ;-;

This week was very stressful ><
Weekly totals:
completely freaked out- >6
panic attacks- 3
cried- >5
tests- 3
pages of essay due- 4 XP
social activities aside from school- 2
hours of sleep- <15

they all intertwine somehow... :P

After finally catching up on sleep though, (to some extent) I'm a little less twitchy, and just kind of sad and lonely. :P

It seems as though Neatique and YC are finally hanging out today. I'm glad, it should lighten her spirits a bit. And... then... I think me and trall might go to the mall tomorrow. woot!

blarg. I'd better end this non-sense soon.

I hope your weekends are fabulous!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Well then...

Here we are... You, reading this... A future event... and Me, typing this... now...
hehe.. ok, enough with the "...'s"
So, it is monday. I got up at 4am this morning so I could finish the outline and rough draft of a research paper for English, that was a bad idea. I was so out of it all day, I've actually been hallucinating. No joke... I saw a bloodied up corpse in my backyard a few hours ago. So not cool. Luckily it was gone with a second glance. Anyways, up at 4am, after not getting to bed until 1:30 or so. I didn't even get dressed today xP... it was just *throw on hoodie, grab backpack, get caffeine- GO*. Not to mention my attempts were all completely futile because I hadn't realized that the outline needed to be typed... dammit.
So I still need to do that tonight. >.<

I'm also beginning to fear the notion of being a schizophrenic psychopath... Hallucinations... *shudders*

One thing that I hope I'm NOT imagining though, would be the fact that somehow over the past few weeks I've managed to drop 2.5 jean sizes... wow.. x)
This means that I need to go jean shopping... because though I have pants in every size across the board (even sizes that I've never worn O.o ) I still manage to be in the one and only size that I don't own sufficient clothing for... >< Luckily I scavenged up a pair of jeans that fit from my closet so I don't have to worry about my other ones falling down.. xD

So, with it nearing midnight, I'd better be off doing homework or something.. I was able to sleep for a few hours today after a bubble bath (a wonderful recommendation from Trall, might I add) so I should have just enough energy left to complete the assignments and pass out.. x)
I'm glad I don't have much to do. Just typing.

Ok, with 10 minutes spent, I'd better be going.
I wish you all an amazing week!
btw- Please keep my dear friend Sara Logeais in your thoughts and prayers this week, she's going through a rough time lately. =/
I love you guys!
~Sami *says wrawr* hehe...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Natural High

Yes, its ORGANIC weed... jkjk lol. Honestly, though, life has never been better:
-Amazing boyfriend
-Had so much fun meeting all his friends last night
-Dad accidentally fell asleep so I got to stay til one ^^
-I get to go flying today, finally!
-I'm so excited x)
-It's only Saturday, but I've been partying since thursday night
-It feels like it should be Monday, but I'm so glad its not
-I'm listening to really good music
-My hair smells like Trall for some reason.. O_o
-I got married last night xD
-I can't wait to tell my dad.. (I was too sleepy last night to remember :P )
-It's almost springtime!

Ha, the only reason I use bullet points really, is that I would sound super random and off-topic if I wrote it in paragraph form. lol.

I'd better get ready to go flying.. yeah, you heard me- FLYING! I can't wait ^.^

Friday, March 6, 2009

Nut Dust... Made From REAL Nuts!!!

Ha! Can times get any better? After going to Katie's last night, (I haven't seen her in ages!) I'm feeling completely at peace with the world. There is nothing but fun to be had when with Katie. :)
We went to the Washburn vs. Roosevelt basketball game with savannah and jackie and had a ton of fun. I was being a pimp.. xD
Jackie and I slept over at Katie's house afterward, while savannah unfortunately had to go home. It was a ton of fun though... We messed around on "Audacity" for a while, and katie and I were messing around on youtube and stuff after jackie went to bed... Not to mention the wonderful conversation topics, ranging from breast size, personal questions, pimples, periods, and boyfriends to "clraks", ice cream, nut dust, the way we see time, and getting drunk... xD
I love my friends, so much. :)
And the greatest part is that now, I get to go to Trall's party and meet all of his amazing friends! yay!
Things are looking good.. :)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Maddening Mondays

Today was.. well.. in all honesty the day has been so long that I can hardly remember all the moods and emotions surrounding it.
The morning was mopey, tired, I could hardly move... By midday a good amount of people were angry with each other and the world itself. There was much arguing and chaos. By cello lessons at 3:30 I couldn't see myself going forward. I thought I would fall to the ground from exhaustion but must have received a second wind around 4 because I was back on my feet, ready to catch a bus and go see the most amazing person in the world. (Now who wouldn't have the energy for that?)
But now, especially while looking at the mountain of forgotten homework that I must tend to, I am more than just tired. I feel like I could drop down dead at any second. AND ITS ONLY MONDAY!! o-o
This might be a very long week. Either that, or we can hope and pray that this was the worst of it.
I too, found myself being obnoxiously mopey during a good part of the day. I regret it, but am only able to lighten future moments.
This post was mostly just to get myself back into the blogging state, I've been neglecting it for so long it seems almost foreign, and I am facing the most annoying self questioning session yet- "Why do you do this? Isn't this a waste of your precious homework time? What do you write about? How could anybody want to read this stuff? What are you DOING!?"-
Yeah.. my brain annoys me, so I just ignore it at times. Probably not the wisest decision but I feel that If I didn't I would have gone more than insane by now. Probably.
Another thing- today during math class a statement came to mind, "Don't ask why, I already explained that I don't know how my mind works. -see above- Anyways, A statement came to mind and it was something along the lines of this:

"Don't get so good at hiding that you lose yourself"

I don't know exactly why I thought of it, or why it intrigues me so, but the fact of the matter is, it does. Just something that had me thinking, hope it does the same to you.
All in all, today was tiring, but worth it. I got lots of hugs and snuggles, and got through another good section of Elfen Lied, though I've already seen it 4 or 5 times. It still has me on the verge of tears.. o~o
I hope you guys all had a bearable monday!

love you guys!

ps- Love the hair, Neatique!! ^^

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The ever obedient Sami...

Lately my poor blog has been left neglected...I've been busy, and the little free time I find is being consumed by sleep and personal hygiene.. lol.
I'm so tired... and done listening to screaming toddlers *yells at oliver to stop whining*...
Agh *performs quick chore after being yelled at by mother*
Is today Sunday? Saturday? no... Sunday... and back to school tomorrow... *finds source of large crashing noise in living room* *tells oliver to stop throwing things*
So.. anyways, life... AGH! I NEED A BEDROOM!! *has quick mental breakdown* *rescues crying toddler from screaming mother*
*deep breath*
Yeah, blog... post... *goes onto facebook to talk with people*
Ok... better...
Last night my mother called me a "Pot-Smokin', English Teachin', whore"... All because I stated to her during dinner that I wanted to be a English Teacher, and a prostitute... She said "That's hot" end of discussion..
After dinner she saw that I lit an incense and from there I was "a pot smokin', english teachin', whore..."

You've gotta love my family... I do even though.. *OLIVER STOP WHINING!!!*
Yesterday was nice... and so was friday.. I only wish they were longer days..

Friday- Terrell came over at like 4:30 and we hung out until the pep-band event at 6:30 where we got to hang out with Neatique, Yellow-Coat, and the rest of the SW band geeks... :P After the game we went to DQ and hung out for a while. So much fun to be with some of my most favorite people. Terrell had to leave at around 8:42, and Neautique's mom picked us up and gave me a quick ride home at around 9:45... Thanks Neatique's mom... :P Nick and I sat down to watch Constantine at like 10:30... but I fell asleep.. Terrell called at like.. 11:30? 12? idk... I finally had to go because I was too sleepy to talk.. I slept in the Lounge w/ Nick.. lol

Saturday- Woke up at 8:00am to simultaneous yelling up stairs and phone ringing, both telling me to go downstairs to begin babysitting... Dealt with crabby toddler for an hour or so, and finally put on a movie for him. Watched the Lion King with him and allowed boredom to sink in... Dealt with crabbiness for another hour or so and made him some lunch and put him down for a nap..
Walked super-hyper active dog... (I'm gonna miss having a puppy around even so)and went back inside to deal once again with toddler... (note: I didn't leave oli home alone, nick was there too)
Mom finally came home at like 4:30 and we went to pick up Terrell, who came over until like 7...
well 7:30 really, I wouldn't let him leave... ^^ sorry... :P

The rest of life has pretty much been explained in the beginning of this post...

Well, I was told to make a blog post, and while it isn't much, or interesting or thoughtful or anything.. here it is... :P

Love you guys!
~Sami <3