Wednesday, October 29, 2008


sooo, I was going to post this last night, but just as I finished up my homework I lost internet connection XP but anyways, instead of writing another random offthetopofmyhead poem, I'm thinking about posting one of the more recent excerpts from my story. You know, the one that I posted the very beginning of when I had first made my blog... how could you forget!? Well, in any case, here it is-

It was a cool October night, and I was out on a walk along the creek. The sky was clouded and starless. The aroma of an incoming storm hung over the city. I was alone, as far as I could see, and I found it to be a peacful, lovely relief to the hectic life I found myself in.
I had walked about a mile when I decided to head back, and just as I turned the smell of rain became more intense and the air became humid and dense. In an attempt to get home before it began pouring down rain, I slipped on some loose soil and fell face down into the damp ground. "Great..." I muttered, curious about the possible damage done to my new outfit. But, as I tried to get up, I suddenly felt a cold pair of hands, holding me to the ground. Before I could turn to see who it was, I was swiftly lifted of the ground and stood facing a tall, lanky man with sleek black hair and outstanding green eyes.
He had a weird smirk like smile and scoffed "Humans, can't even keep themselves upright." He let out a soft chuckle. "Now what is a young, pretty girl like you doing, walking alone in the woods at night?"
What had he meant by "humans", as though he weren't one himself, and why had he called me young? For he couldn't have been much older than me. Sure maybe a bit grimier, but not much older. Scared and confused I quickly muttered "I really need to get home now, sorry." I turned around to head home, but with a blink, he was standing in front of me blockinf my path.
"Now there's no need to rush or be rude. The least you could do is thank me for helping you up." He seemed slightly agitated, but continued to have that awkward smile plastered on his face.
"Thanks, but I really need to get going. It's getting late..." As much as I wanted to run, hus eyes somehow kept me standing there, unable to leave.
"Time? This is what you are worried about!?" He was beginning to look even more irritated and I was scared of what he might do. "You humans are so lost in your own minds that you let something that doesn't even exist control your life. Time is but an illusion, and only has a place in your twisted perspective of the world that you think you know. You all disgust me, so focused on things that don't exist, all the while refusing to see what is really there. Refusing to see the evil, pain, and hatred of your own kind that truly controls how the world works. All of this, and you worry about time."
While he seemed to be getting more and more angry as he spoke, he at the same time seemed relieved to have said it, and was beginning to recompose himself. "Dilusional as time may be, I have somebody waiting for me, and I really need to be getting home."
He looked into my eyes and I tried, but couldn't look away. "If you really need to leave, why are you still here?" And once again, I tried to look away, to turn around and run, but I had no control over my body, and I stood there helpless.
He smirked, "You can't, can you? Of course you cannot, nobody could once within my grip." He laughed quietly. At this point I was nearly shaking with fright. What was going on, Why wasn't I running right now, screaming like a maniac? This man was obciously a lunatic, and Koren was probably already home, wondering where I was. Not to mention that it was going to begin pouring any moment.

Soooo, Its not much, I know, but it may end up changing my entire storyline. I am thinking about completely rewriting the whole thing. hmmm. but I don't know yet.
Otherwise, my day was pretty uneventful. I got my big science project in. and otherwise it was just school. XP But I think I'm out of the blogging mood for the moment, I may or may not post a poem or something later. we shall see.


Katie said...

I like it! =D

SAMiSAYSwRAwR said...

oh good. :D I've decided to completely omitt most of the beginning though, and restart it using some of my newer parts.