Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Natural High

Yes, its ORGANIC weed... jkjk lol. Honestly, though, life has never been better:
-Amazing boyfriend
-Had so much fun meeting all his friends last night
-Dad accidentally fell asleep so I got to stay til one ^^
-I get to go flying today, finally!
-I'm so excited x)
-It's only Saturday, but I've been partying since thursday night
-It feels like it should be Monday, but I'm so glad its not
-I'm listening to really good music
-My hair smells like Trall for some reason.. O_o
-I got married last night xD
-I can't wait to tell my dad.. (I was too sleepy last night to remember :P )
-It's almost springtime!

Ha, the only reason I use bullet points really, is that I would sound super random and off-topic if I wrote it in paragraph form. lol.

I'd better get ready to go flying.. yeah, you heard me- FLYING! I can't wait ^.^


Katie said...

Oh mah gawd Sami, you got married to someone else!? You know we're lovers!! How could you betray me?! T-T

SAMiSAYSwRAwR said...

I'm so very sorry... its just.. well... what did you want me to say!? I don't? xD