Thursday, December 11, 2008


Ah the beautiful night's sky, the bright full moon, snow, lightly covering the ground in a glistening mass of beauty.
Oh how I love December... and what reason do I have not to? As far as the life and times of Sami goes, things are more amazing now than they have been in a long time. Too long, really. And to just be able to sit and let that happiness consume me, even more wonderful. Worries, fears, pain, all banished. Now it is only sam, and that is who I should be.
The funny thing is, I was actually discussing some of the things in my past self today with friends, and to realize how nonchalant I could remain throughout that conversation... well, gah. It's so great. Really, it is. Mostly because I now can truthfully say that it's in the past. It's like finally overcoming a great illness that had surrounded my life for so long. You can make me laugh, you can make me cry, you can make me dream away, but never can you tear me down more than I want you to. You, yes you, no longer have control of my life. For it is I- MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE (of sami anyways) that is now in complete control... Fwahahahaha.
No longer shall I let people that don't even know the real me take control of my life, and tear me down with any impulsive whim. NO MORE!!!

Okee, I think I'm done now... mehbeh... hehe.

Wow, that was completely random and unplanned, and to think that I started out with talking about the sky. I have the attention span of a squirrel... I like squirrels, they're cute and fuzzy. I once had a pet squirrel, his name was Scabbers. Like on Harry Potter. Sometimes I wish I was like harry potter...

Well, that's enough of that. for now...

good night and have a pleasant tomorrow. I know I will :D

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