Friday, December 19, 2008

*yay* happy happy day. woah, all of those words ended with a "y" =P

wrawr. ^^
Today was reasonably happy, and the upcoming days are to be even happier. Why, because I said so, and also because I can make of the days what I want to. Buuuut, mostly just because I said so.
How could one not celebrate? No school means more time for writing, seeing friends, and sleeping- not to mention just not having to go to school :)
Christmas is in less than a week O.o This has it's ups and downs:
Happy Happy Holiday Cheer
Phony Christmas Specials on TV
Getting to see family and friends
Not being attacked for playing Christmas music on mah flute... :P
General Christmas matter

Dealing with the materialistic parts of Christmas
Phony Christmas Specials on TV
Rushing around and everyone being uptight in an attempt to impress family and friends
No more looking forward to Christmas once it ends
No more looking forward to winter break once it's over
General Christmas matter

hmm, overall though? It's totally worth it, in my opinion anyways... :D

I hope life is treating you all well!
I love you guys

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