Monday, December 8, 2008

So here you are again...

What truly is so interesting in this blog that has you continue reading, I am not sure. But alas, here I am, and here you are, now reading this, as I was at some point in the past typing it. Well, that would be the present for me...
hehe, I make me laugh. But none of that matters because as we have gone over so many times before, time and space are non-existent anyways.
Gah, well today was interesting to say the least. Not so much situationally, but in my little world of a mind, 'twas more than just interesting. So much on my mind, yet so little of it can I actually say. And saying that alone may put me in a bad position, but whatever.
It's not all bad, just kind of mellow and contemplative. Not to mention having that later masked by this extreme wave of hyperactivity. I was actually doing headstands and backwards somersaults from my bed today... such a strange person am I.
It is hard to explain really what is going on, and for the most part, even I really don't know. I just know how I feel, and the task now is to take a step back and put reasoning behind those emotions. And that, my friends, is the difficult part.
All I can say, is don't overthink this. (I'm talking to both you and I now), and don't set it aside as nothing. Nothing is nothing. It is just finding a way to measure the amount of something.
That also, is the difficult part.
Sami is off to think things over I guess...


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