Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Last Post of 2008 ^^

So, rather than do a massive post about the wondrous and erm not-so-wondrous things about this past year, I'm going to keep it semi-short, and semi-sweet... like chocolate chips... lol.
And while sitting trying to figure out what to write, of course inspiration strikes...
The easily best thing that has happened to me this year (and even years preceeding) starts talking to me on facebook... ^.^ and immediately thoughts of how wonderful this past month or so has been alone come rushing into my mind...
But let's start at the beginning, shall we? (Oh God, this is gonna get long, I can see it already)
In January all that I can really remember is that's when I started insane journaling... like 5 pages a day at the very least... and that was before bloggy... and then year-year-year ummm... then blog started...
Wow, this whole reminiscing thing is harder than I though it would be... I'm just too happy where I am right now. =) <3
What I do remember is that the start, and most of the middle and beginning of the end of this year wasn't exactly easy... far from it really. Sure, there were some good memories made, but things got pretty rough at times, and I'm sure most of my close friends could agree with that. But as far as a performance goes, the finale made up for all the flaws and dissonance that was in the beginning. Looking at my life, and the lives of my close friends- things are going pretty well... better than I remember them being before to say the least. Everyone seems happy, and at peace- well as close as a teenager gets to peace, that is.
So cruddy year, happy memories, spectacular finish... If that makes sense to you- you just know me too well ^^
I hope you all have a great night, year, morrow and whatever else happens from now until the time you read this.. :)
I love you guys! Enjoy what's left of 2008!

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