Sunday, December 14, 2008

Happy 100th Birthpost to bloggy!!

If each post were a year, my blog would as of this post be a century old. Because each post is not a year, and because I am a blog maniac, it is actually less than a year old (10 months or so) but at 100 posts. Oh wow... O.o
So ready for the surprise now? We shall be doing some serious reminiscing here, congratulating those who have been there all along, saying farewell to those who have left, and welcoming those who have joined over this century (10 months our time) of tracking sami's life. =P

So as you can see by scrolling down to your right, my first post was way back when in March of 2008. Let's look and see, shall we?-

"So for all of you that actually LISTEN to what I am saying when I am talking non-stop at school, my nonsense is no longer limited to those 7 miserable hours of being at school. You can now choose to read what I have to say when I'm at home too!..."

and what a life changing thing that was for so many. Okee, I know, not that famous... yet... let's continue-

"So, although it may not be quite up to par with hearing my obnoxious voice when I am on a rant, or the sound of me screaming at Kristen because she had been driving me up the wall, it is better than nothing. Or worse, depending on who's reading. So with that said, why not?"

Ah yes, and with that comes our first farewell-
Kristen Chalmers R.I.P (yeah I know she's still alive, sillies)-
I knew her from 3rd grade I did, when first entering the madness of the Mpls. public school system, we were really close friends... well in 3rd grade. Then we kinda stopped talking, but in 7th grade we started talking again... well more so screaming. We never really had a peaceful friendship, or rather enemyship from that point. And now that we are no longer forced in the same building for 7 hours every day, we just never talk/scream anymore... so sad... well actually things have been pretty peaceful. (If you ever get to reading this- I <3 style="font-style: italic;">"Tonight I'm going to my high-school registration thingy, and I've finally prepared a List of classes I plan on taking next year.

AP Human Geography
Honors Geometry
Concert Band
Honors English 9

And now we look at my actual schedule-
Honors English (psh, stupid)
Biology (I actually enjoy this one to some extent
Concert Band (it's band :)
Honors Geometry (biggest mistake of life)
AP Geography (its ok I guess... romo is cool)
Spanish 2 (never saw that one coming did you?)

Wow, I was a better organized 8th grader than I thought. You gotta admit I got that one planned to perfection... :) (well except for the whole spanish/japanese discussion...)
Let's skip over to Easter now, this is a truly pathetic example of sami-world in the way-back-whens...

"well its easter, so I decided rather than chance spending more time with my family than necessary, I will post the most easteriffic thing I can think of, the next chapter to my vampire story, so here goes."

Ay, so very sad...
and here we see some true sami-in-the-late-night-madness colors shining through-

"whoever invented play-dough is the greatest person ever. i LOVE play-dough. especially at 11:00 at night when I cannot sleep."

Hehe, the funniest part about that one is that 11 is considered late-night... lmao... Now we switch tones to sentimental-sami-

"What is a friend to you? To me a friend is someone that I can truly talk to and listen to without being judged, or judging. Someone that I will always love and care about."

Aww, isn't that absolutely precious? And here is where we congratulate- I say to Narcia (Jackie), King Kong (Katie), and Alvin (Alex), you guys are the bestest most amazing people I know, and you continue to amaze me in what you do (the good, the bad, and the random) every day. You've been with me through thick and thin and now I thank you, and congratulate you on surviving my existance for so long. :D I love you guys!!!!!
But that little friend thing isn't meant to be leaving out the newer members of the cult o' sami's life... For some of my survival this past blogging century is also greatly owed to Anne-Marie, my email buddy, and of course Trall, the most recent character in the life and times of Sami...
Whether you're my friend, my love, neither, or both. You are reading this, and that means you contribute to some extent (small or large) in my life. :P

But to the old friends, just how much did you help me get through? Here are some cites for you, posted in great appreciation of your friendship over the past while-

"have been feeling very melancholy the past few days, or has it been weeks? However long it has been it feels like eternity. urrg. Depression? Feeling like giving up? geeze. I haven't felt like this since last year. oy! "Life is malignant." " Though you will not see my tears, I am still crying."
What are these thoughts doing in my head!? I'm supposed to be the usually happy person. usually. I don't know what to do now. I think I need a hug. "

Icky, I remember those times. bleh. but thanks so much to you all, they were survived much to my surprise... next one-

"Why can't people just listen without trying to fix me, or telling other people about me, or judging me? Why can't they just listen?! No funny faces, or critical words, or anything. Just another person that can really know me, another person that I can really know. grrr. you people are frustrating. grr my mind is frustrating."

Aha! but looking back this is a post of victory, for I now become close to only people as explained. see? That's just how great you guys are! ^.^ next'un-

"So, today I'm posting a question, with all of these conflicts going on, do you think people should just let them go knowing that most of the people are going to different schools next year and that you won't have to see them for 3 months unless you want to, or should you try to resolve the conflicts risking makiong the situation worse. I mean, who knows, it could just resolve itself, or it could saturate and form a grudge. So keeping in mind the conflict from both points of view, what do you think I (people in general) should do?"

Hmm, never really got an answer on that 'un, but things seemed to resolve themselves pretty well I suppose... NEXT-

"-everything would either be purple or black
-everyone would be vegetarian
-the president would be an Emu
-every country would be represented by a different CareBear
-Normal would be considered the worst swear of all while Bitch would become part of every day language
-the World-Wide anthem would be Imaginary by Evanescence
-It would be Illegal to act to Dumb Blondish
-People would worship the clouds
-Clowny-Banana-Head would be the most popular insult
-It would be illegal to name your child Kristen (brings back bad memories of demonic Kristen)
-The world would be amazing"

Ok, so that wasn't exactly on topic, but It had to be reviewed. I love it! :D How could you not like the idea of the world being run by sami's hmm?

My mum's car got smashed into (the window is comepletely shattered, and I sliced up my arm on it. (owwey) and I haven't talked to any of my friends (other than online) since Jackie's party. Aww well. Who needs friends anyway (eye twitches slightly and I begin screaming at the Television) oh yeah, me. Somebody should call me or something, or come over, or give me something to do before I burn my house down, tear off all of my clothes, and start running down the street naked yelling "they're after me, they're after me!!" because my mommy would be angry if I did that. wrawr."

Lol, yeah that was an interesting time. Gah, I still have that scar on my arm (I'm such a klutz) See what happens when sami has no katie, jackie or alex to talk to? see!?

Oh yeah, and the fact that I think by the time we go back to school, I will be so deprived of social activity that on the first day I will walk in to the building, have a complete mental collapse and spend the first couple months of school in a mental hospital. But, that's nothing to worry about."

hehe, and the funny part is, this may have been the cause to those september social panic attacks... sooo not funny, but why am I laughing? Randomly jumping back to the Kristen note, this one had to be acknowledged here, lol-

"maaan im gonna miss kristen. who is gonna scream when i write mean things about her on my blog when shes all the way over at washburn? nobody, thats who. X( "

and it's soo true too. XDD And then of course changing the tone once again so a scarily serious situation... here goes-

"My mum went to the doctor for severe leg pain and they found a blood clot, so she went to the hospital, but came home wednesday, but that same night I went over there just to make sure that she was okay and that night she got really sick, so we went back to the hospital to find that part of the blood clot had moved to her lung, so unlike what I was thinking yesterday, she will probably be staying in the hospital until at least wednesday. grr. So my parents are going up to the cabin with all of my brothers until tuesday, and me and my sister are going to my aunts house for the weekend. Oh, and for whomever it may concern this means that I'm not going to Alex's party either, (even though I haven't seen him ALL SUMMER, and most likely won't see him for another month when school starts. ) *deep sigh* I think I need a hug. "

ay, that was a really stressful time. Actually looking back, one of the worst times of the year, definitely of the life of this blog... but with things now better than ever, I can look back to smile at those that were with me through the whole fiasco. And how much I still appreciate those hugs and comforting words. I think Anne should get a special littel medal for helping me through this one. *gives trophy*

And here I placed in a nutshell all my lifes dreams and aspirations-

"to become an amazing writer. and nothing you can say or do will ever change that. so there! hehe. and yes, I am aware of how random this is.
Btw I'm also going to be an amazing pilot, veterinary scientist, and pediatrician. My life just might take a while, but it'll be worth it. :P "

so fwahahahaha. and you can't stop me. I can, but you can't. :P So let's skip forward a few months to something interesting-

"so there, that's my poem. and feel free to comment w/ CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.
CONSTRUCTIVE meaning that no, I am not in the mood to be called emo. so leave me alone of you have nothing sensible to say. XP
sorry. I just really hate being called that... and if you got to know me, you would soon realize how wrong they are."

here I decided- hey, I'm just going to put my thoughts and emotions out there with this whole "emo" thing, it drives me mad. - but then Katie of course being the "oh-so-great" friend she is goes on to leave a comment-

"Wow. Very... EMO..."

but no worries, she knows me well enough to not end it there *I tend to hurt such people* and so she continues with her little compliment or whatever... (I love you Katie, don't hurt me)
Sami's newly found aspiration in life-

"I think that this weekend is going to be a scary movie and homework weekend. I think my switch a few weeks ago from asocial, to completely social is taking too large of an effect on my brain, therefor even further deepening the insanity of my life."

Yeah, I still haven't gotten to that movie thing... lol.
Anyways... the rest is blah blah blah, leading up to now, blah blah blah, change in mood, blah blah blah, new change in mood...

and as stated in an earlier post-

"So if you are as sick of reading this, as I am as sick of writing it, I'd better stop soon.
I <3 you guys

and so-
I really love you guys, thanks for reading this epic post


Katie said...

Oh mah gaud, I just read that whole thing. Very reminiscent. Nice epic-ness. Very long. *dies*

SAMiSAYSwRAwR said...

lol, yeah I really didn't realize just how long it was until earlier this evening, lol. And you were only reading it...