Saturday, December 27, 2008

Late-night Blogging (Probably not a good idea)

AHA!!! It's about 1:45 am, and the sami is rather content after a heart-pulling conversation with Trall...
So, I could talk of so much randomness right now- piggy banks, cockroaches, adopted babies from china, play dough, wii bowling toddlers, rainbow socks, cookies, trampolines, purple hair dye, photo booth, iPhones, cellos, elmo band-aids, bruises, insomnia, this could go on for days....
Anyways, I could go on with so many things but for now I think I'm gonna stick to my favorite topic- do you know? I think you do...
When I think of him my face lights up, and my heart physically goes nuts- Jackie is a first person witness of such things. When I talk to him, my face turns red, and I lose my breath just trying to comprehend what he is saying. And then to believe that what he says is true- a whole different world. When I see him, nothing is wrong in the world. Nothing. No exaggeration here at all. Everything is perfect. I am yet to find a single flaw within him, and when he claims me as his- as though he truly finds me worthy- I feel like the luckiest person in the world. I scare even myself sometimes thinking about how hard I find myself falling for him, and yet- somehow I trust him enough to keep falling all the same.
I had been forewarned many times of such things by others. I keep telling myself- don't do this, sami. Don't let yourself be torn apart, don't let yourself get broken.- I keep having to remind myself to throw back on the protective cover, because whenever I am around him, my world opens up to no end. It is impossible for me to not trust in what he says, to not know just how far I've fallen, to not take off that shell and leave it off. And it's not as though this isn't what I want, God knows just how much it is... I am really happy when I think about him, I find myself drowning in an ocean of euphoric thoughts when I talk to him, and when I see him- when I hug him, when I am with him- My entire life, mindset all become suddenly ecstatic. The last thing I would want to do is ignore, or throw away these feelings- how could something that makes me so happy, that makes life so wonderful be the cause of so much pain later? What is it that I am so afraid of, really? It seems completely unreasonable at this point to continue telling myself no; to continue holding myself back emotionally. What reason do I have to not trust his promises? What reason did he have to so quickly trust mine? And better yet, does he?
Wow, for a 3 in the morning blog post (yeah, I took a few breaks for showering and such) this is getting rather intense. I guess my main points here are that I really do care about him, and at this point I really trust him. We shall see whether or not this destroys me in the end; but as of now, I have faith that it won't.
Well, I gotta be awake in 4 hours, so I better be going to bed soon. I hope you guys are all living wonderful lives- I've let you guys peek into my shell, but I'm really hoping that all is well within your guys'.
I love you guys (now don't you forget it)


Cooper said...

Wow 1:30 That is well what were you doing that would provoke you to stay up that late? The latest I've stayed up is at least till midnight. By the way the word verication thing to post the comment wants me to type 'my chest'.

SAMiSAYSwRAwR said...

that's a little disturbing...
and yeah, I have better things to do than sleep at 4am...
not really, but I like to pretend I do sometimes. =D

Neautique Narcia said...

Sami, this is so amazing what you have with terrell! It brings a warm feeling to my heart to see you happy with him. :)
But, really, at 4 AM?
4 am, you're on the computer?
welcome to my world, Sami. :)

SAMiSAYSwRAwR said...

I love you too, Jackie?? O.o