Monday, December 15, 2008

sami, sami- always contradicting herself...

So, after a lovely conversation with Katie last night, many topics of discussion were thrown around, two of which, have been completely switched into reverse as of today. It is only such things that allow me to sit and reflect on how complex life can truly be... one of the conversations happened to get into talking about art, and how I was too impatient for such things... yeah, I just spent the last two hours or so painting... lmao. Sure, they're not exactly worthy of being called art, but they have lots of different colors I guess, so that's nice. :P
Sooo, today. I woke up with a generally bad start, and after injuring myself twice, losing my glasses, and becoming so cold that I started feeling warm (not a good thing) I was cursing mondays away for all eternity... luckily its the last one of the year (in a school sense, that is). Speaking of winter break, I can't wait! Hopefully I'll be able to sneak some time in to hang out with Katie, who I haven't been able to see since before halloween (this is a problem), and some time with my Trall, who I haven't seen since Saturday... (also a problem in the land of sami). Hehe, and it's only monday, why does it seem so long!?
Also, (Katie, Jackie- I'm especially looking for your insight on this one) the question came to mind today... do I cry a lot? This sounds really random, but I swear to God it's not. Just kinda wondering... idk. Have either of you guys even seen me cry? whoa, that's a strange thought... lol. I did today, but wasn't at all sad. It was strange really...
Anyways... I best be off to work on my homework for the night.
Good night, and have a good morrow.


Katie said...

No, I don't really think you cry all that much. If you've spent as much time around Maddy as I have, you'll know what I mean. She breaks down a lot, and I think it's rubbing off on me. One time I was just sitting in a hallway at her house, and I started bawling. No big deal I guess. Did you know, that crying releases endorphins or whatever in your brain, so it actually makes you feel better? Seriously, the same thing happens when you have sex.

SAMiSAYSwRAwR said...

crying, sex, same same... right? roflmao *literally*