Saturday, November 8, 2008

So you stay where you are.

It's probably for the better, and you don't think that you could make it that far anyway, so you decide just to relax, and as the tall man said, try to get some rest.
When you wake up you are still surrounded by roses, but this time there seems to be some type of civilization set up. You are inside a small hut like area, and from a nearby window you can see people walking outside, all busy doing one thing or another. You look around the room you are in and are able to see through a doorway, the same tall pale man, and with him an even paler woman. They seem to be having some sort of argument, though you are not quite able to make out what it is that they are saying.
You once again tried to sit up, forgetting your injuries, and feel a sharp pain in your abdomen. You let out a gasp, and lay back down. But with the noise, the man looks over and comes to your bedside.
"So, you are awake again. You must be starving. Unfortunately,we don't really have any food prepared, but I will have Rosemary fetch you some water."
You quickly realized that you were very hungry, and thirsty. You haven't eaten anything since your journey began. So you didn't object to a glass of water. And as he turned to walk out the door, you remembered what he had said earlier. "Wait! what did you mean earlier, when you talked about me being infected? What did you mean?" You suddenly became overrun with anxiety of the thought of being killed in this unknown realm of chaos, and tried to sit up again. He held you down, and quickly told you that you must not get so worked up.
Before you could say or do anything else, he had left and you were once again, alone.
A while later the girl that you saw earlier came in with a glass of water. She handed it to you and said "Hi, I'm Rosemary. I'm the one that found you out in the woods last night."
"Oh." I said, trying to sound thankful "Thanks for saving me."
She had a soft airy voice that seemed far away, "It's getting late, I'd better get the locks ready..." And she left the room.

will post the rest later. :)

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