Thursday, November 20, 2008

yo no se. jajaja.

yo voy hablar en espanol hoy. ?por que? porque yo QUIERO hablar en espanol. tuve una dia bien y mal. no fui al colegio, porque me siento mareada.
ok, that's enough of that. If you could understand the last sentance you get a golden star for today. ^^
And if you couldn't understand it, I guess you'll just have to ask me later. so mwahaha. I have been writing a lot more lately. so that's happy, I guess. Just this past week, I've finalized a short story, and 3 poems. Not a whole lot, but because I am completely done typing them and everything, I'm pretty happy with it.
I also took out some time to play with chococat today. (I haven't held him or anything in quite a while) And that was interesting. I was lucky to not be bitten again though. He's a mean little bugger. I've also gotten a lot done today as far as cleaning my room. You can see a lot of the carpet. :o Amazing, right? Man do I have a lot of clothes though! I swear, I could completely resemble a different high school stereotype for every day of the week if I wanted to. :P lets see
Monday- Goth
Tuesday- Prep
Wednesday- Emo/Scene
Thursday- Nerd/Geek
Friday- Sami (yeah, I'm a stereotype all on my own :)

That would definitely be an interesting week.
Oh yeah, I'm getting chococat a mini carebear for his cage for christmas. but shhhhhh, don't tell him. It's sposed to be a surprise!
<3 you guys!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol! nice... I remember that week... lol