Friday, November 7, 2008

the dark wooded area... scary scary...

So, relieved that you managed to get away from those nasty insects, you decide to turn the couch, and start floating towards that dark, forested area. Though it may not have been the wisest choice, because there is now way of telling what you are getting into, you go that way anyways.
As you reach shore you begin to get a little spooked by the complete and total darkness that lies ahead. Once on the island you cannot actually see anything, all you can do is stand, listening to the rustling you can hear in the bushes ahead. You swear that you can see little glowing lights in the wilderness too, but are quick to blame it on paranoia, and continue to go deeper into the woods.
As you are walking, your eyes begin to adjust more, and you find yourself stumbling a bit less on things on the ground. You can hear some movement in the bushes and trees around you, but manage to keep your wits and continue walking.
Suddenly you hear a voice behind you and turn to face a very large dog-like creature. "What are you doing here?!" said a snarly, hostile voice.
You consider running, but find yourself unable to move. "I-I... I'll be leaving, just..."
"No human is supposed to be in this area, you don't understand. If you stay here you will be infected. Unless... have you been bitten, or come into contact with any creature on this island?"
"No, on the island back there I got bitten by some nasty butterflies, but all I have seen here, is darkness, and you." You showed him the damage done to your arms by the butterflies, as still fresh blood dripped down your arm.
"Butterflies? what do you..." he looked down at your arm and suddenly got a crazed look in his eye.
Before you could jump out of the way, he pounced on you and began to sink his teeth into your already bloody arm. You let out a horrifying shriek, though nobody could hear you, and as you lay there helpless, you could feel your body being flung about and torn to pieces as you slowly lost consciousness.
When you awoke, it was light outside and you were alone. There were red roses all around you, just as you had seen from afar while in the middle of the lake. The strange thing was that these roses were not like any you had ever seen before, for they were not only growing in bushes, but in big patches out of trees, and the ground. And some where not even growing at all, but just layed out, as if freshly put there. Rose petals where blowing in the wind, and landing everywhere.
You tried to sit up, but couldn't and soon remembered the werewolf that had attacked you. You now had bandages wrapped around most of your body, and as you moved you could see blood seeping up through them.
You called out, to see if anyone was near, and when you did, a shadow appeared behind a rose covered tree. Before you could get a close look, a very tall, pale man was standing over you.
"I see you're awake, and it's a good thing too. You see, it's not everyday that a mortal as yourself survives a bloody werewolf attack. But luckily, Rosemary found you and treated your wounds, though it will take a while to see whether or not you've been infected. In which case we'll have to kill you anyway."
You were already dazed from just waking up in a place you had never seen before, but now, you were more confused than you had ever been. "Infected? Kill me? What do you mean?"
"Ah, so sorry, I can see that I have already disturbed your healing. You should get some more rest. We'll talk later." And with that, he was gone.
Now, of course after that conversation, there was no way you could sleep. But it may be hard to do anything else. You could try to get up, and make your way back to the shore, but may run into trouble, with both your recently acquired wounds, or the people that brought you here. There was no way that they were normal, and you couldn't outrun them with how quickly the other one moved. But, if you stayed where you were, they might kill you. Or so he said, what did he mean by "infected"...

Sooo, what will you do now. Run, or stay?
Comment and choose your fate!
It's all up to you!
well, to some extent anyways :P


Anonymous said...

stay!!! please stay!
I'm sorry. But, honestly, he should stay...

SAMiSAYSwRAwR said...

well, that was some strong emotion. But ok, whatever you say Narcia. :P