Tuesday, October 20, 2009

People... >_>

People.. irritate me. No, not all of them, but a great deal of them. The thing is, I'm sure I irritate people too.. but its like DUDE.
For instance- If somebody is minding their own business.. like at a bus stop.. how about NOT approaching them and trying to start a conversation about meth. Or how about NOT pulling up in your car and trying to get them in it.. for whatever sick reason you have. Chances are people have their own shi-erm crap to deal with, WITHOUT you coming along being a creeper.
Also.. people are cwazy. end of story. I'm crazy enough by myself, I dont need public contributions thanks :D
Also.. why is it that whenever something bad happens.. something ridiculous seems to need to follow.. making things horrible? Come on, God, can't you just like.. let them deal with the first bad thing before striking them with lightening? Or maybe I'm just cursed.. I wouldn't be surprised.
I can't write lately. It's not writers block.. I don't usually attempt to write unless I have something to write about.. and I seem to have a lot I could be writing about.. but motivation=non existent. so yah.
I'mma get my license soon here.. and then I'mma start volunteering at the humane society. Woot.
I think when I'm done with college or whatever I do.. I'm gonna go live in the woods for a while. hehe. And raise a troop of crazy ninja squirrels!!! .. or not..

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Well well well...

Ok.. I'm really bad at this whole blog thing. I know. But what other excuse could I come up with to further put off doing my homework? Yeah.. So, I survived the first week of school. Barely. And now as the second week is finishing out... well.. I got nothing. I really am not happy at SW so far this year.. Part of me knows its just high school, but another part is reminding me that it wasn't this bad last year... with all my best friends. Who for the most part, all left.

Apparently I'm really bad at making friends. I actually don't think I've made any yet this year. I have people that I know, yes. I have people that hug me in the hallways and shout "SAMI!!!" which is always nice... yeah.. But there's a big line between the slightly superficial clique of friends, and the ones I've made and can actually talk to.

Even I didn't expect things to start out quite so rough... and that's saying a lot. After the first day Nate came over after school to cheer me up, which was nice. And its been really REALLY helping things to be doing stuff like writing music. Stuff that actually creates something. Same with writing, and drawing.. and art in general.

Uck. I really don't like school. And then, as always... there's the anxiety attacks and such. Lunch time is the worst. Somehow there was formed and obligation to sit with this certain friendly, loud, mellow dramatic, hyperactive, and generally insane group of people during lunch. Which is cool and all... unless you, like me, have anxiety issues and end up having a panic attack the second you are put into such a situation. And I -do- like being with people.. its just lethal sometimes.

I think the roughest part of this entire transition from summer to school is that my therapist has gone on vacation for the month of September. Leaving me to rough the first month out on my own, after a calm summer with constant help. Uckuckuck.

I honestly would love to run away to some rustic mountain scene and live in a little shack in the woods, living off the land. Sounds like a nice enough break.. completely and totally alone. Ahhhh... And then another part of me would love even more to just curl up into a fetal position humming songs and meditating until June. And then, anOTHER part of me kind of just wants to crawl into a hole somewhere and stay there.

Well, I'd better be doing my homework. Ewwww...

Monday, August 31, 2009

Funfunfun. No, not really.

I am SO not looking forward to this school year as of now.. Yeah.. the below little thing is actually how I feel inside right now. The last thing I want now is to be thrown back into the chaos of 1700+ kids.. I was just coming to terms with the peace. The panic attacks were just beginning to subside and then- poof. September is back. Tomorrow the vicious cycle begins again, and I face another year of fighting it all off.

Also, with Heather, Alex, and Nate all gone.. I'm feeling like I'm off to a rather lonely start. Jackie will be there! But even so.. she seems to have her own little thing going. Which is really cool =) I'm just gonna be on a quest for friends I suppose. Or just really lonely. Either one works I guess.

At least as school begins I know that I'll be flexible with time from the start. No relationship commitments that require time after school right now, meaning time to make sure I can actually do my work and try to keep my grades up this year. Which I completely failed to do last year. >.<

Speaking of relationship.. I don't know what I'm gonna do. It's gonna be nice to have time and space, but to be in a relationship I'm also somehow supposed to handle feeling bad about not being able to see him as well as doing whatever I can to see him when the chance comes around.

Don't get me wrong, I really care about him.. but right now with all the other torrents of rushing emotion and anxiety.. Part of me is just tired of the whole relationship scene. Exhausted and wanting to feel at least somewhat free and independent, but with those feelings- especially without all my friends closeby- loneliness seems to set in all too quickly. I guess I'm just in search for a happy medium.. that seems so be my life so far.

Well, I'm gonna go back to sleep now. Being woken up after only 2 or 3 hours of sleep was an all too painful reminder of what lies in the path ahead. Welcome back, September. >_<

But... Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddd

... I dun wanna go to SCHOOL!!!!! T^T
- Now Sami, crying like you're 6 won't get you anywhere
- *sobs*
- Sami, be a big girl and go to school
- But... What if the other kids are MEAN!? *sob*
- I'm sure the other kids will all be very nice
- You said that LAST year!!
- Yes.. well.. this worked when you were in Kindergarten and everyone actually was nice...
- *sob* I hate school you can't make me- Wait.. how am I? How did you..? "Now class, today we will disc-" OH COME ON THAT'S NOT EVEN POSSIBLE!!! *hides in corner* *sob*

Friday, July 17, 2009

Well then...

I really need God right now... Yeah, that should do it. Some kind of savior to explain the world and all its mystery. Some answer to all my question. Some way to forgive myself for the countless mistakes. Some thing to be able to honestly say its gonna be ok.

Yeah, I think God will do the trick.

Camp next week is actually starting to sound like a good idea again.. We'll see.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Oh God, why does it have to hurt so much? Everything… I somehow managed to severely stress a muscle in my shoulder… Well, actually, it’s more that I re-aggravated it from stressing it a couple years ago. It seriously hurts to move my arm at all. And then, as usual, I’m stuck over-contemplating things. I was up til four in the morning… just thinking (not to mention crying) and I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what I’m doing. I never have. IT’S SUMMER ALREADY! I SHOULD BE HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE! But somehow, every night its like a harsh grey and lonely winter for me.

I want to talk to someone. Not about this, not about anything. I can’t explain it, but there is just some kind of extreme relief just to be talking, or listening for that matter. Just to hear that there is some other kind of emotion left in the world. That people aren’t robots, and that we aren’t all doomed to this kind of stress. That there’s some larger point, and, after having been lectured for a near hour on how God couldn’t possibly exist, and how there is no point… well. I just don’t know. I don’t doubt His existence, sure… but really, is there a point to this other than pure amusement? Because as of now, I’m not amused.

So, anyways, yeah.. up til 4, eventually doing something I probably shouldn’t have.. but that’s a different story. I woke up this morning, actually afternoon, to a headache, shoulder aching so bad that my whole torso seems to be affected, and a billion texts from boyfriend accusing me of ignoring him, when I was actually sleeping. Cute, huh? T_T

Yes, these harsh grey and lonely nights… now seeping into my used-to-be sunny mornings.

A warning to anyone that may or may not talk to me anytime soon: don’t push me. For your own safety, just don’t.

Monday, June 29, 2009

I love you, Katie.. XD

Sami Baby by ~Dragyn-angel on deviantART

"Just a real quick sketch of my darling best friend. Normally I'd spell wrawr as rawr, but she spells it wrawr, so I did too ^-^
I love this sketch soo much."

~ Katie ( hairykingkong.blogspot.com )

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Summer! ^_^

So, things have been pretty amazing. =) Without the stresses of school, my life is almost perfect! Almost... :)
So far this summer I have visited 7 different states, and from Indiana brought back my cousin Miranda for a couple weeks. We've been having a blast! Hanging out with Taylor and Zach and wreaking havoc within the city. It's been great. :)
Unfortunately though I haven't hung out with ANYBODY from school all summer. x-x
I'm missing some of my friends, though they've been as busy as me. :P
This summer has so far been one of the best ones in a very long time.. Maybe ever.. =D
Well, I'm gonna go plan out the rest of my day, I only have two weeks to show Miranda all the best parts of MN. Better get busy.. lol.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life."

You're right.. I don't know what I'm doing.
I don't know how to betray all of those memories.
I don't know how to keep them with me.
I don't know which path to choose.
I don't know how to please everyone.
I don't even know how to please me.
I don't know how to deal with this.
I don't know how to deal with you.

You think I don't care. You think that I want to see you hurt. You think that you're nothing more than an irritation in my life. You think I don't want you anymore.

You're wrong.

You fail to see the possibility that this is causing me just as much if not more pain than it does you.

Yes, in the end it was I that made the decision. I did it. I broke your heart. I hurt you.

Yet, who is it that stays up crying in the night?

I will accept your anger.
I will accept your frustration.
Take it all out on me and just let it go.
Say what you need to say, not what I want to hear.
I will accept the peace that follows, if there ever is any.

You know better than anyone how to hurt me.
What to say.
What to do.

You can tell yourself you can't.
You can tell yourself I'm heartless.
We both know its not true.

I don't hate you.
I don't even dislike you.

But this time, its your choice.
You choose from here how things will play out.

I'm sorry if I hurt you.
I'm sorry if I'm hurting you now.

No longer can I tailor my life to other people's needs,
Because there is no one life that fits all.

With this realization-
Yes, I care about you.
No, I don't want to hurt you.
But I am done fitting my life to how you feel about it.
Even though, I know you never asked me to.

You ask me why I care,
And the answer I've given you remains.

Towards you I have felt a connection that I could never explain to anyone else.
I couldn't even explain it to you.
No, its not just a casual friend.
No, its no longer a lover.
But it still remains.
It may always remain,
Whether you choose to stay or go.

I know the trouble I've caused.
I despise myself for it.
And yet, dwelling on it helps no one.
I don't know how to help anyone.

This is not an excuse.
This is how I feel.

Monday, May 25, 2009

This is why we don't give hyper sami the internet plz.


Hey :3



love you

I love you too! ^-^



I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooo


watching My Bloody Valentine
scary stuff..

Oh boy... lol

not really
its made for 3D but its not..
so you can tell which parts are sposed to be 3D
like this guys eye comes out at you when he gets stabbed with a pickaxe..


whatchoo up to?

Nothing much...

does like alien face?
aww man
it didn't work.. :P O_o_O



kitteh alien monster..


I SURRENDER!!!! ^o_o^


you seem busy..

Just trying to figure my day out...

monkey butt


Orange juice


Salad dressing!
I want a salad..
awwwwwww man..
no tengo lechuga para una ensalada...
ay carumba!
que mal!


yo quiero una ensalada
Me gusta ensalada
me gusta helado
me gusta la ensalada de frutas!!!!!
de muchas frutas
de muchas frutas
fruit salad
yummy yummy
fruit salad
yummy yummy
can you tell I'm kind of bored?
don't do it!!!!!


scary guy in gas mask
In the brain!
or hand..
that's gotta hurt
and to think..
he got his brain!
pickaxe man is icky
and is stealing hearts from literally brainless men..
its all red and gooshy
have you started ignoring me?

No... I r readings now

^-^ you cant say I'm not at least a little interesting..

More-so <3

I'mmma bite you!
wrawr :D

Yay bites :3

Harry Warden is...


he's actually killing people with a pickaxe
poor lil tom..
what will he do?


you're sure he was dead then?
u-u n_n

:3 <3

tot is a funny word

I want KEESES! T~T

he has nose

Lol x)

flip it upside down
I dare you..
and it says..
true story..
you know you love me.. ^_^

Lol... you're super hyper and bored... a classic Sami combo.
Of COURSE I do! :D

OF COURSE you do!
how could you not?
I mean..
wait a minute..


who could the creeper be at my window?
Ionno, I guess I'll just grap shot gun..
oh look

Brb love..

its crazy pick axe guy...
his last words were...
I would say like..
ionno what I would say..
I guess it might be shit..
I pickaxed the sheriff!
But I didn't pickaxe the deputy..
You're still going to jail for life..
so.. you still pickaxed the sheriff..
but I didn't pickaxe the deputy..
I dun like fritos
they are all icky tasting and stuff..


oh hai there

Oh hai!

just a sex






Sunday, May 24, 2009

And I was doing so well.. =/

Over the past 6 or so months (excluding this past while) here is what has happened with me-

I went from being extremely asocial, scared of people, self conscious, trying to be invisible and generally anxious and afraid to- Getting tons of friends, my confidence going through the roof, anxiety attacks cut down by at least 4/5, generally happy, social, and generally loving everything.
I used to hide in the library during lunch just to avoid talking to people. I didn't really have any friends at school and I never really talked to the ones I did have. I was having panic attacks 1-3 times a day. (If you've never had an anxiety attack, you couldn't ever imagine how horrible it is. It would get to the point that I began getting anxious but I was so scared of having a panic attack that I would actually get one). It came to a point that the bad in my life outweighed the good by far and I was actually beginning to feel as though I had nothing to live for. I never told anybody about this at the time, and even now only 1 or 2 people know about it.
But then everything flipped for me. I was spending more time with the people I love and care about, I was getting more friends than I've ever had, I little reason to ever be anxious or sad and so I was, well... me! If you know me, really know me, you know that I'm the farthest away from shy or self-conscious there is. You'd know that while it may be hard to believe, I really love myself and the people I so often surround myself with.
This is getting long and far from my point, but I'm just trying to show the contrast between these two people... so hang in there with me..
I was so much happier that, at first, the thought of going back to the way things were before scared me beyond belief. I was so scared of any sign of change in my life, from anxiety, to lack of social activities to stresses in my relationship with Terrell that I would avoid it all completely. And even now, I'm so scared.. especially with the return of some of these feelings, moods... I don't know how to feel about the relationship anymore.
But this time, things are different. I have friends, really good friends, that I can trust to be there for me. People I can talk to and seek advice from. People I can spend time with to take my mind of things. Things are much better. I think...
I'm so anxious now.. so scared.. Panic attacks are coming back, my grades are falling below and acceptable level, I was supposed to be planning a party this past week that I'd forgotten about completely. I've been avoiding my parents (being my dad and ginger) and staying with my mom when possible... Even this weekend, going up north did sound kind of fun, but I couldn't stand the thought. I love them, of course, but whenever I'm talking to them I feel like such a failure. and what reason do I have not to?
I haven't been sleeping either, which doesn't help the whole situation. For a while I'd thought it was just sleep deprivation but now that I'm thinking more clearly, I'm finding that I feel worse. Which is a horrible thought...
Yeah.. enough of this rambling. I doubt anyone will read this anyways, but what better way to vent? At least I'm not keeping people up all night on IM trying to be a good friend and help me solve my stupid little problems. Poor Taylor.. lol..
Ok I'm done :)

Hope you guys are having a good weekend..
Love you!

Monday, May 4, 2009

I wanna hamster SOOOOOOOOO BADLY!!!!

T-T too bad my parents won't let me have one... x_x

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Monday- Miserable day.. made it through school and crashed right after cello.
Tuesday- Woke up, died inside, took a shower to try and feel better, felt worse and went back to bed.
Wednesday- Woke up, partially died inside, sucked it up, took some meds and went to school. Got sent home by Kirsten during lunch.
Thursday- Near exact repeat of Tuesday.
My spare time has been spent watching law and order online.. This is sad.

We can only imagine what is in store for Friday. I'm thinking I should be okay for the school day, but considering I'm yet to feel the least bit better, who knows...
Ugh, constant fevers, chills, headaches, body aches in general. The symptoms have been adding on since sometime last week but this week has been complete Hell. Literally. My body is like a freaking Inferno right now. o-o
I'm going back to bed.

Hope you guys are having a great week,

PS- if I get any more crap about this Swine Flu business.. I'm going on a killing spree. No joke.

PPS- ok.. maybe that's a little exaggerated. But only a little.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Makeup, System of a Down, Boyfriend, Job


heh. I'm getting ready to go to the Job Fair at the library today with Terrel while listening to SOAD. Completely at peace with the world (other than the occasional back spasms and other various pains).
I'm home alone this morning at my moms house. It's nice this way. So quiet (well other than the blasting music, of course).
Alex called at 6 this morning.. we talked until 10. Good Lord.
I've gotta get on the bus around 12, so I have time now that my hair has been managed to some extent. x)
Hmm.. I like writing. Really.. at this point its not even what im writing about, just thinking, turning thoughts to words and having these strange little symbols to express their meaning. Its really awesome in my head.
Well, I'm gonna get going.. here's a really good song.
Have an awesome weekend! ^-^

SOAD- Roulette

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Pillows are fluffy a lot.
Little kids cry a lot.
Parents yell a lot.
Friends are crazy a lot.
Sami is crazier a lot.

This is my life... ^-^

Wow.. its really early in the morning... perhaps too early. My phone started bleeping at me at 6:15 because of my alarm I'd set for school the previous day. >_> wrawr. But then I fell asleep. My phone started bleeping at me at 8:30 because of my Trall calling me. That's a better morning. :D
I has been sneezing lots. *aCHOO!*
Mah nose hurts... KAPOW!

I'm being weird today. And I can't think of anything witty or logical to say because I am tired. :P

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Poor Bloggy...

my blog is officially dying.. *sniffles*
It lived a long colorful life... and it will still be in use, just not as often, and with slightly less purpose..
poor poor bloggy...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Merry Easter!!!

What, Easter can't be merry too? Pah! Dying easter eggs to look like little bunny rabbits, getting yelled at for trying to wear jeans to church, having little brothers hyped up on easter candy... What could be merrier? (btw I'm still sticking with the whole 'nobody cares what I wear to church because they're too busy focusing on their own impression in society, even furthering the pointlessness of the notion' in my opinion.. there's truly no point what-so-ever. But if it makes the parents happy to see me walking funny in a skirt and tripping over high-heeled shoes... whatever, its only a couple hours a year..
I do really appreciate Easter though. What I don't understand is why Christmas is so hyped up in comparison. I mean, the birth of Jesus is indeed a very important mark in time.. but shouldn't his resurrection, what makes his time on earth so important in the first place, be a big deal? Damn commercialism. When you think about it, it really was/is a big deal. Looking back 2000-something years ago, there were people that had really put all their faith, there hopes, their entire lives into this one man. And then, thinking that he was a Miraculous being of sorts, believing he was the son of God himself, these people saw all they're hope, faith, their lives be humiliated, tortured, and hung on the cross- a symbol of shame, humiliation, and failure.
Seeing this, all that they had put their lives into was now gone.. from what they could tell.
But then, for those who had thought that all was lost, after two horrific, mournful days, news had spread that His body had been removed from his tomb... How could things get any worse? Not only killing this man, but someone was now possibly plotting to humiliate him further after death. What could they possibly be doing with his body? Lost in worry, suddenly more news- Jesus was alive. What? How? It couldn't be.. you want to smack the person who said it.. what kind of sick joke-
Then, turning around.. you see it.. you see Him.. After thinking all was lost, He's back.. and not only back, but proving all that He'd been preaching all along. He was indeed Miraculous. He was right, meaning that not only was there no loss, but worldwide gain. In a world filled with pain, suffering, and nothing to live for other than promises, there was now Hope. Not only Hope, but all those promises that one day there would be reason, one day there would be redemption... All those promises suddenly came through. Sin's burden was lifted from the world.

Yeah.. great story.. but wanna hear the best part?

It's true.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Soo.. happy day!

Yesterday night Nate came over and we hung out for a while... that was fun.. It was nice to feel like I have a life again.. x) Though what we did was kinda sad... we pretty much played video games, and talked about nothing in particular. It was still fun.. And now, I get to go see Trall! Who, btw I haven't seen in over a week now.. o-o
YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

okee, enough of that. Side affects of drugs taken yesterday are finally beginning to wear off.. so I'm feeling absolutely wonderful! (though I do realize its mostly relative)

ok, gotsa go see trall now!! YAY!


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Eh... I'm no good at this...

Okok.. It's been a while.. I've been really bad at this lately.. But aHA! Now I am able to give the mostly full story behind doctor appointment results. So... I've got the Factor 5 gene... o-o.. This is no good..
And then, I went to the doctor yesterday again to get two more prescriptions for two more totally unrelated things. Not to mention, in a little over a week, I'll be going to ANOTHER doctor to see whether or not I'll be going on MORE meds. And then finally, I now have to go see a blood doctor to be counseled on what I can and cannot do for the rest of my life due to this gene.
I never want to see any doctors ever again. Too bad, at this rate I'll be moved into a doctor's office by May.
I semi-promise to post more... I should be a little less stressed out with all of this stuff getting finally figured out. And once all of this medical stuff is over with (if it ever will be) I should on some more solid ground.
Also this quarter at school is wrapping up.. so in about a week I will either be relieved, or more miserable. We shall see... I've finally gotten my math grades up, but with extra time spent into doing that my English grade (of all classes!) is now dropping... xP
I miss my friends... I feel like I've not really spent any time with anyone lately. :/
And in all honesty.. I really haven't.

Ok.. I'd best be wrapping this up for now.. I'm working on posting more often again. bleh. I'd been posting like every day if not more in November.. :P


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

needles... O_O

ok.. anyone who knows me well would know that I'm not one to be afraid of needles... but still... ick.
I dun like doctors... whether it's arguing w/ them about going on cruddy medications, or about becoming a medical guinea pig.. its no fun.
Well, at least I get a pretty band-aid.. (I'm going to a pediatrician and therefor counting on getting the pretty band-aids) Not to mention actually finding out about this whole factor 5 gene, shmeal... :P
Then I can go on birth control without dying... WOOT! jkjkjkjkjk JK gosh!
I'm not that bad... plus, bc really screws around with my head.. xP Not to mention I actually get my period every month when I'm on it.. that would suck.. x_x I'm perfectly content with this whole 3x per year deal ^^
That's another thing though, I've also gotta figure out why that happens... not that it's bad or anything, but I don't wanna find out later that it means that I can't have kids or something.. also there's that possibility that it's somehow related to the crazy anxiety/depression I've been dealing with lately... yet another thing that needs to be looked into..
Stupid mood swings.. I don't like it at all.. T~T too much crying and being all stressed out for no good reason. hmph..
My mum and I got into a mini-fight today too.. too many tears shed for stupid reasons.. in the end we were back laughing and apologizing to eachother like crazy, so it's all good..
I also got to see trall today, we hung out downtown for a while after the parade.. it was lots of fun. Though, some guy came up to me and asked me for a cigarette, calling me Veronica O_o And then another guy came up to me and smelled me or something.. xP
Weirdos... :P
I'm kinda worried about Terrell though.. things have been kinda intense for him lately.. and he was asposed to call me back.. :/ I'm not upset or anything, just wish I knew that everything was ok...

Well, I think I'mma wrap this up for now... I'll post the results of tomorrow morning's adventure later...

Happy St.Patty's Day!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Ick... XP

Sooo.. yeah.. I fell asleep at like 8 last night... and I woke up to a screaming baby at 8 this morning. (Not to mention, I went back to bed twice today x_x) but that's different. ><
I don't like this. I've been in and out of bed all day, after getting 12 hours of sleep. well, subtract an hour. Terrell called me at 12, staying on the line just long enough to wake me up completely before leaving. psh. so I was up for like an hour after that...
And my parents are being kinda mean today... :/ but they're gone now. And I can, of course, always go hide in my room when this happens.
Wow... I sound really pathetic right now.. -.- eh.

In other news, I'm baby sitting Ava and Ilsa today, so that will be fun. I always enjoy babysitting them, they're so sweet ^^
Hopefully I'll be able to hang out with Terrell tomorrow... its been a near full week, and I miss him ;-;

This week was very stressful ><
Weekly totals:
completely freaked out- >6
panic attacks- 3
cried- >5
tests- 3
pages of essay due- 4 XP
social activities aside from school- 2
hours of sleep- <15

they all intertwine somehow... :P

After finally catching up on sleep though, (to some extent) I'm a little less twitchy, and just kind of sad and lonely. :P

It seems as though Neatique and YC are finally hanging out today. I'm glad, it should lighten her spirits a bit. And... then... I think me and trall might go to the mall tomorrow. woot!

blarg. I'd better end this non-sense soon.

I hope your weekends are fabulous!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Well then...

Here we are... You, reading this... A future event... and Me, typing this... now...
hehe.. ok, enough with the "...'s"
So, it is monday. I got up at 4am this morning so I could finish the outline and rough draft of a research paper for English, that was a bad idea. I was so out of it all day, I've actually been hallucinating. No joke... I saw a bloodied up corpse in my backyard a few hours ago. So not cool. Luckily it was gone with a second glance. Anyways, up at 4am, after not getting to bed until 1:30 or so. I didn't even get dressed today xP... it was just *throw on hoodie, grab backpack, get caffeine- GO*. Not to mention my attempts were all completely futile because I hadn't realized that the outline needed to be typed... dammit.
So I still need to do that tonight. >.<

I'm also beginning to fear the notion of being a schizophrenic psychopath... Hallucinations... *shudders*

One thing that I hope I'm NOT imagining though, would be the fact that somehow over the past few weeks I've managed to drop 2.5 jean sizes... wow.. x)
This means that I need to go jean shopping... because though I have pants in every size across the board (even sizes that I've never worn O.o ) I still manage to be in the one and only size that I don't own sufficient clothing for... >< Luckily I scavenged up a pair of jeans that fit from my closet so I don't have to worry about my other ones falling down.. xD

So, with it nearing midnight, I'd better be off doing homework or something.. I was able to sleep for a few hours today after a bubble bath (a wonderful recommendation from Trall, might I add) so I should have just enough energy left to complete the assignments and pass out.. x)
I'm glad I don't have much to do. Just typing.

Ok, with 10 minutes spent, I'd better be going.
I wish you all an amazing week!
btw- Please keep my dear friend Sara Logeais in your thoughts and prayers this week, she's going through a rough time lately. =/
I love you guys!
~Sami *says wrawr* hehe...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Natural High

Yes, its ORGANIC weed... jkjk lol. Honestly, though, life has never been better:
-Amazing boyfriend
-Had so much fun meeting all his friends last night
-Dad accidentally fell asleep so I got to stay til one ^^
-I get to go flying today, finally!
-I'm so excited x)
-It's only Saturday, but I've been partying since thursday night
-It feels like it should be Monday, but I'm so glad its not
-I'm listening to really good music
-My hair smells like Trall for some reason.. O_o
-I got married last night xD
-I can't wait to tell my dad.. (I was too sleepy last night to remember :P )
-It's almost springtime!

Ha, the only reason I use bullet points really, is that I would sound super random and off-topic if I wrote it in paragraph form. lol.

I'd better get ready to go flying.. yeah, you heard me- FLYING! I can't wait ^.^

Friday, March 6, 2009

Nut Dust... Made From REAL Nuts!!!

Ha! Can times get any better? After going to Katie's last night, (I haven't seen her in ages!) I'm feeling completely at peace with the world. There is nothing but fun to be had when with Katie. :)
We went to the Washburn vs. Roosevelt basketball game with savannah and jackie and had a ton of fun. I was being a pimp.. xD
Jackie and I slept over at Katie's house afterward, while savannah unfortunately had to go home. It was a ton of fun though... We messed around on "Audacity" for a while, and katie and I were messing around on youtube and stuff after jackie went to bed... Not to mention the wonderful conversation topics, ranging from breast size, personal questions, pimples, periods, and boyfriends to "clraks", ice cream, nut dust, the way we see time, and getting drunk... xD
I love my friends, so much. :)
And the greatest part is that now, I get to go to Trall's party and meet all of his amazing friends! yay!
Things are looking good.. :)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Maddening Mondays

Today was.. well.. in all honesty the day has been so long that I can hardly remember all the moods and emotions surrounding it.
The morning was mopey, tired, I could hardly move... By midday a good amount of people were angry with each other and the world itself. There was much arguing and chaos. By cello lessons at 3:30 I couldn't see myself going forward. I thought I would fall to the ground from exhaustion but must have received a second wind around 4 because I was back on my feet, ready to catch a bus and go see the most amazing person in the world. (Now who wouldn't have the energy for that?)
But now, especially while looking at the mountain of forgotten homework that I must tend to, I am more than just tired. I feel like I could drop down dead at any second. AND ITS ONLY MONDAY!! o-o
This might be a very long week. Either that, or we can hope and pray that this was the worst of it.
I too, found myself being obnoxiously mopey during a good part of the day. I regret it, but am only able to lighten future moments.
This post was mostly just to get myself back into the blogging state, I've been neglecting it for so long it seems almost foreign, and I am facing the most annoying self questioning session yet- "Why do you do this? Isn't this a waste of your precious homework time? What do you write about? How could anybody want to read this stuff? What are you DOING!?"-
Yeah.. my brain annoys me, so I just ignore it at times. Probably not the wisest decision but I feel that If I didn't I would have gone more than insane by now. Probably.
Another thing- today during math class a statement came to mind, "Don't ask why, I already explained that I don't know how my mind works. -see above- Anyways, A statement came to mind and it was something along the lines of this:

"Don't get so good at hiding that you lose yourself"

I don't know exactly why I thought of it, or why it intrigues me so, but the fact of the matter is, it does. Just something that had me thinking, hope it does the same to you.
All in all, today was tiring, but worth it. I got lots of hugs and snuggles, and got through another good section of Elfen Lied, though I've already seen it 4 or 5 times. It still has me on the verge of tears.. o~o
I hope you guys all had a bearable monday!

love you guys!

ps- Love the hair, Neatique!! ^^

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The ever obedient Sami...

Lately my poor blog has been left neglected...I've been busy, and the little free time I find is being consumed by sleep and personal hygiene.. lol.
I'm so tired... and done listening to screaming toddlers *yells at oliver to stop whining*...
Agh *performs quick chore after being yelled at by mother*
Is today Sunday? Saturday? no... Sunday... and back to school tomorrow... *finds source of large crashing noise in living room* *tells oliver to stop throwing things*
So.. anyways, life... AGH! I NEED A BEDROOM!! *has quick mental breakdown* *rescues crying toddler from screaming mother*
*deep breath*
Yeah, blog... post... *goes onto facebook to talk with people*
Ok... better...
Last night my mother called me a "Pot-Smokin', English Teachin', whore"... All because I stated to her during dinner that I wanted to be a English Teacher, and a prostitute... She said "That's hot" end of discussion..
After dinner she saw that I lit an incense and from there I was "a pot smokin', english teachin', whore..."

You've gotta love my family... I do even though.. *OLIVER STOP WHINING!!!*
Yesterday was nice... and so was friday.. I only wish they were longer days..

Friday- Terrell came over at like 4:30 and we hung out until the pep-band event at 6:30 where we got to hang out with Neatique, Yellow-Coat, and the rest of the SW band geeks... :P After the game we went to DQ and hung out for a while. So much fun to be with some of my most favorite people. Terrell had to leave at around 8:42, and Neautique's mom picked us up and gave me a quick ride home at around 9:45... Thanks Neatique's mom... :P Nick and I sat down to watch Constantine at like 10:30... but I fell asleep.. Terrell called at like.. 11:30? 12? idk... I finally had to go because I was too sleepy to talk.. I slept in the Lounge w/ Nick.. lol

Saturday- Woke up at 8:00am to simultaneous yelling up stairs and phone ringing, both telling me to go downstairs to begin babysitting... Dealt with crabby toddler for an hour or so, and finally put on a movie for him. Watched the Lion King with him and allowed boredom to sink in... Dealt with crabbiness for another hour or so and made him some lunch and put him down for a nap..
Walked super-hyper active dog... (I'm gonna miss having a puppy around even so)and went back inside to deal once again with toddler... (note: I didn't leave oli home alone, nick was there too)
Mom finally came home at like 4:30 and we went to pick up Terrell, who came over until like 7...
well 7:30 really, I wouldn't let him leave... ^^ sorry... :P

The rest of life has pretty much been explained in the beginning of this post...

Well, I was told to make a blog post, and while it isn't much, or interesting or thoughtful or anything.. here it is... :P

Love you guys!
~Sami <3

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Saddest thing ever...

I think this may very well be the longest time I've gone without posting something since like august... more that two weeks... sheesh!
I guess I've been busy.. I know I've been busy...
And I'm failing math... ><
fun stuff... I really need to get in the shower now.. but my brother is taking forever...
grr... Some of the few negative things about being in a big family...

After School:
I am now literally dripping water from my hair due to snow accumulation...
I am also hoping to get a hold of Terrell soon.. I was under the impression that we were to hang out today, but plans may be set back by snow...Oh well, there is always tomorrow, or saturday or something...

Well, I feel pathetic now because I want to stop posting even though it's been so long... I'll try and do a longer one later...

I love you guys

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ugh... yeah, never got back to that...

sorry, I guess I kinda forgot, or got busy or something. It's all been a daze lately. >< I hate it. When you've lost the security of knowing yourself, trusting in what you feel, believing what you say... what's left...
Not to mention I've been too fucking depressed lately to deal with anything... It's as though I'm having a fall back into the way things were before. And It's scary. I know that it's only temporary, and that it'll pass and everything... but that doesn't change just how frightening it is right now. I'm so scared that I'll mess something up, or that I already have, to some unrepairable extent. And that fear, as much as I hate to admit, is completely rational. ><
Dammit... I hate this... I feel so disconnected from everything else, as if nothing is important anymore. I want it to be important, I want to be able to constantly show all the people I love how amazing they are, and how important they are to me... and I try, but still feel as though my efforts are futile. That's a horrid feeling. Ugh.. what is wrong with me!?
Even just talking to people in passing, it's as though I'm not talking, just some pre-programmed unit nodding and smiling... I don't even pay attention to most of what I say anymore... and that scares me the most. And when it is me talking, when I am there, it's either some monotonous "I don't care" type statement, or I completely break down making people think I'm either completely insane, or that something is much more wrong than it is...
Not as though nothing is wrong, obviously things are wrong... but it's not something I can explain. There is no physical, or situational problem... nothing I could ever properly explain to anybody...
Because I cannot explain this, and because if I were to simply say that people wouldn't listen, The response generally consists of either "What did I do?", "What did 'he' do?", or "What can I do?".
And that is just it, you can see just how awesome people I'm around, are. The only thing I can say in response is "Absolutely nothing, and never think otherwise..."
I feel like I've been such a hindrance in the progressing happiness in some people's lives, and I can't stand it. How could I live with myself knowing that the only thing I'll ever be capable of is being a weight upon the people in my life, that are far better than I've ever deserved in the first place. ><
Ugh... I hate this...
So there is my little rant... most of it probably made absolutely no sense.
Don't take it to the heart... because as stated earlier... It's just not something to be taken in that sense.
My Friends(in all aspects)-I love you guys more than you could ever know. You are amazing in every sense, and I hope and pray that your lives are filled with happiness daily.
Anyone else- why are you here? This shouldn't matter enough for you to read it. Weridos...

So with that out of the way, I hope you guys have an amazing week!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Oh my...

its been almost a week... ay.
I get busy I spose... and things don't look as though they'll be calming down for quite a while... AGH. NEED SLEEP... NOW!!!
dammit... Things have been weird.. I've been weird (more so than usual to say the least), my family has been really, REALLY weird... and I've been finding less and less time to talk to some certain people... sorry...
Ugh... today has been long... and its only 2nd hour... (yay for finishing work a half hour early!!) I could go on a little rant... but I won't... yet..
Let's wait for the end of the day before complaining in full... I get the feeling I'll have more to talk about later... ><
Rainbows are pretty... Nate is distracting me... yay for Bio!!!
In all honesty... I really haven't been all that tired... more exhausted. But I'm not sleepy at all... *yawns* well... so much for that.
Hmmm.. I don't need to go.. but I think I'm just gonna post this for now. I'll write about something interesting after school... maybe.

Live, Laugh, Love... you know.. whatever,

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

a neverending dream...

hehe.. I'm listening to that song right now. =P
anyways... today was really good actually. I was extremely exhausted on and off, but otherwise it was a completely good day. No downfalls or changes of moods for the most part, even walking home, I amused myself by smiling the whole way. Even when Trall called saying he couldn't hang out today.. It was ok. Not that I didn't want to see him, but I'm really just kind of glad that he can relax with his friends and have fun... after dealing with me so far this week, God knows he deserves it... =P
I think it has to do with starting the day off good. In first hour we got assigned this writing thing, and I had a little too much fun with it. He asked for a paragraph in 10 minutes... I gave him two pages in 45. =P It was about Sasquatch... roflmao... xD
I actually had a lot of crazy sci-fi ideas emerging while writing it, but I was running low on time. I think I just might turn it into something bigger when I get it back... maybe. I can never guess myself when it comes to capability to do things such as this.
Speaking of which, I still gotta get my poems together. My English teacher is going to try and get me published in the school magazine, and Narcia has mentioned us getting some of our stuff published together, in a book or something. So things are looking up in that area, compared to before anyways, where they weren't looking anywhere, kind of blind really... =P
ha... I'm listening to Less Talk More Rokk by Freezepop... and it really makes me want to go to a party or rave or something... >,<
I am excited for Friday, that sounds fun :)
Well, I gotta leave to my mum's house now. Exciting because it's been almost two weeks now... :P

I love you guys!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009


hehehe... pms x_x
yesterday was fun... really, really, REALLY fun... I wanna do it again. ^.^
Aside from that I've been kinda moody, kinda jumpy, and kinda sorta REALLY tired... I should probably be napping or something right now. For some reason today went by really quickly. I remember sitting in 6th hour and suddenly burst out with "OH SHIAZZ THE DAY IS ALMOST OVER!!!" hehe... surprising? nah...
hmm... right now I guess I'm just kind of floating... no serious thoughts or emotions. I'm not extremely happy, or sad. Just kind of here, and enjoying it... more happy than not I suppose. =P Today was pretty good... relaxed. I don't dread tomorrow, but I don't particularly want to go back... I would rather go spend the day with Terrell ^.^ if only such things were easier... =P
I'll probably end up going to my mom's house tonight, I haven't seen her in over a week =< I just hope that we have a good night =)

Never went to mom's... slightly saddened by that...
feeling stupid about some other things said... wanting to go to bed simply so the day can end... ><

Friday, January 30, 2009

extreme sleep deprivation... O_O

yeah... the title pretty much explains all that follows... lmao.
-Going to Rochester w/ Narcia this weekend... funfunfun ^.^... I just hope I get home in time... =/
-I need sleep... NOW!!
-I can't go to bed until my parents get home tonight...
-Parents out until midnight... ><
-You can tell I'm emotionally worn when I can't even put together a normal blog post... but bullet points can still get the general message across I guess... -,-
-Ugh... trying to hold 3 conversations and post a blog=not easy... especially for someone with as many attention deficits as I...
-Hey look! A squirrel!!
-I told you this was an issue... ><
-Ugh... my back hurts... a lot.. >< no more advil... WHY!?
-need sleep... want sleep...
-Jackie, you said you would call back in a couple seconds... this was an hour ago... -,-
-I wonder if I will actually get to see Terrell this weekend. It's been a week now.. =/
-we have had some rather enlightening/interesting conversations since then though... very interesting... lol.
-I'm gonna go lay down... yeah.. that sounds nice...
-*ends other conversations*

*lays down and meditates*
ahh... this is what weekends were meant for... ^.^

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Working through it...

I was really worried about this week with how it started... so tiring... but my hopes have been lightened a bit after today. And now, thinking about it- today wasn't to great either... in all honesty it kind of sucked. From waking up with a bloody nose in a dry 50 degree room at 5:30 this morning, to being unusually hungry today... things were a little off... But I'm in an extremely good mood! And I have been most of today, so it's nice all the same.
I think as strange as today may have been, I think I'm finally on my second wind for the week... not to mention the hyper-dose of caffeine received today during band... nobody needs coffee that strong... nobody. xD
I did go to bed last night at a reasonable time too, even though I woke up super early... that may have something to do with it. I have a ton to do for English tonight, so chances are I'll be up way late... :/ but hopefully I can get an early start on it, so It won't be too bad...
ugh... and I swear, If I get called Ms. Chocobra by Jackie one more time, I'm gonna asplode like that bra in the dryer... IT WAS HER THAT PUT THE CHOCOLATE THERE!!! SOOO NOT HER PLACE TO MAKE FUN OF ME!! XD lmao...
there are so many things wrong with that last paragraph... so very many...
But as of now Sami is:
and completely and totally unfocused...
good luck with that studying, sami... ><

Well, I hope your weeks have been good, and keep up the studying! I'll try and do the same... =P
And Jackie, MY NAME IS NOT MS.CHOCOBRA... OR MS.YELOW-BRICK-ROAD... so... just lemme be... O_O XP

Monday, January 26, 2009

Already!? REALLY!?

School again, tomorrow... PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME GO!!!
I so cannot wait for summer...
The heat- it bugs me
The excess freetime- makes me feel useless
The extra daylight- makes me miss the stars
The lack of snow- saddens me
The ability to drive this summer- is useful
The extra time for friends- nice
The extra time for Trall- <3 <3 <3 <3
The lack of hypothermia from being outside for hours- nice.
The time for a job- $$$
The lack of homework- ulcer removing... ><
The diminishing of crowded hallways, large groups of completely insane teenagers crushed together; the bitchy gossip; the insane teachers; the insecure, yet judgmental teens- very, very, VERY nice...
The excess time for sleep- ahhh...

this list is making me sad... summer is so far away... T~T
I should probably go to bed and let my head take a break before its re-immersion into the chaos some like to call high school...

If I don't make it... you know if I loved you... xD don't touch my computer, burn my journal- thanks.


PS- no kidding about the journal... just burn... don't even try to open it. (Terrell, you read my journal without full consent, and your afterlife is filled with suffering... and no more kisses.. so THERE! ^.^ just thought I'd get that out there.)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Your Guardian Angel... <3 <3 <3



When I see your smile
Tears run down my face I can't replace
And now that I'm strong I have figured out
How this world turns cold and it breaks through my soul
And I know I'll find deep inside me I can be the one

I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven

It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
Seasons are changing
And waves are crashing
And stars are falling all for us
Days grow longer and nights grow shorter
I can show you I'll be the one

I will never let you fall (let you fall)
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all (through it all)
Even if saving you sends me to heaven

Cuz you're my, you're my, my true love, my whole heart
Please don't throw that away
Cuz I'm here for you
Please don't walk away and
Please tell me you'll stay, stay

Use me as you will
Pull my strings just for a thrill
And I know I'll be okay
Though my skies are turning gray

I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The usual weekend insanity...

At my mum's house for the weekend I am left in a rather good mood... whether it be the relief of the semester's end, or the excitement of the weekend's activities; I am content. If all goes well, today I will be able to spend a couple hours with Terrell before going over to a friends house for a mini jam-session. funfun!^.^
I've slowly been catching up on sleep, which is nice after only getting a couple hours every night this past week... I went to bed at like 11 last night, and I slept in 'till 10. *yay*
So, I feel good, and I have plans for a nice, eventful yet relaxing weekend. I never want it to end! (Too bad it will, and way too soon)
Well, I'd better be going soon, finishing up chores and stuff while I have the chance...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Only one more to go...

Yes... now after completing (and acing, might I add ^.^) that last math test, I only have the geography test left... I fear epic failure with that more than anything... :/ I'm scared...
But anyways... I only need to endure a few more hours of school and then, end of day, end of school week, end of semester! *yay*
Agh... I wanna be home, sleeping... or better yet- with Terrell, anywhere... that sounds nice right about now =P
The school day is long... but the good news is that as of now I am not failing any classes... I have a couple C's... but that's the worst of it. And hopefully I won't completely bomb this next test, ruining that...
Finals are stressful... and sleep depriving.. x.x
And so... I should probably end this now as one of the shortest actual blog posts in a while... on to geography!! -,-

test=bombed... T~T

i think i need a hug... ><

Monday, January 19, 2009

Floating on a Cloud

The blue sunlit sky hangs overhead,
Awakening spirits, both living and dead,
Music floats through that cool winter air,
Leaving no room for worry or care.

Her once clouded life, now fearless and free.
She never had realized what happiness could be.
And the people all asked, “Who is this girl, for we had not known her before…”
“Her face is familiar, but her smile; unseen. We thought she would show it no more.”

Now off on her cloud, she floats through the skies,
With an ecstatic heart, and sparkling eyes.
Now so hopeful, so happy, so high,
That she never foresaw a dark cloud in the sky.

And as that cloud passes, she’s drenched with rain,
Left too wet and cold to float once again.
Tears pouring down, she’s more than distraught,
But then out of nowhere, is struck with a thought:

“This sadness, these tears, are not a blue moon,
Just the pain in your past, to which you turned immune.
With happiness brought, by that shining light,
You’d forgotten the sadness of life’s pitch-black night.

And with that happiness, with that light, to you came a small cost,
The immunity you had gained through scars, is now forever lost.”
So only in contrast, to the happiness she’d met,
Life’s fated rainfall was more agonizing yet.

The rain pours down, but the sun shines through,
Showing the girl, what she already knew.
Is it better to fly, and fall to the ground?
Or get used to the shadows, where love is not found?

But wrapped up in her cloud, she once again flies,
Because she knows of happiness that lies within the skies,
And no amount of broken bones will keep her from that flying,
For being left down on the ground, she knew that she was dying.

Friday, January 16, 2009

At last...

And finally, once again the week is at its end, and I am once again at peace with myself... well- as close as one in my position could get to it. Fresh out of the shower, I am warm, clean and can't wait to not wake up tomorrow morning... (What a strange aspiration... ^.^)
I'm very much looking forward to Sunday when it seems that I will be able to once again see Terrell. Hopefully this time coming home without nearly passing out upon looking in the mirror afterward. I'm sure Jackie is getting sick of the frantic "JACKIE JACKIE!!! MAKE IT GO AWAY!!!" phone calls by now... =P
So, this past while I have been actually pretty content; whether or not it is seen that way by others. I have been finding the need for a bit more "ME- time". Not that I don't absolutely love and adore all of my friends, but right now I just seem to have the need of a break from that social extravagance. Most of today consisted of walking from class to class, sitting in the emptiest corner of the classrooms and drawing while taking small mental notes of lectures on the side. (And I am actually pretty happy with that drawing as of now, btw). When conversations were initiated (by others, of course) I ended up ending them as quickly and politely as I could. Once again, this is not because I don't love talking to my friends, it's just me having a strange while...
And as stated earlier, don't get me wrong, I am very happy. Just as of now, happy spending some extra time with me. So, if I seem kind of down, or moody lately... It's just me, and it will- as always- pass quickly.

On to other, less repetitive topics: tomorrow I think we have a pep band thing for a hockey game... but from the looks of the sign up sheet nobody very fun, or that I know very well is going to be there... :* but I don't mind hockey, and I need the points, so I signed up anyways. Anthony is probly gonna be there though, so it shouldn't be too bad...
Not to mention how.. ermhrm "Interesting" that last pep band event was... lmao.

Well, for another on the verge of being a late-night blog post, I think this will suffice... for now. =P
Sweet Dreams to all, have an awesome weekend!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

whooaaa... trippy...

NEW LAYOUT *yayayay*
Comment w/ your likes and dislikes regarding the new color scheme and pic please!
I may be messing around with different pictures over the next while as well... but I would love to get some input.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Mondays... -,-

Woke up at 8:30 this morning... first thoughts through head
  • Ah... nice sleep. What time is it?
  • hmm... 8:30, I slept in...
  • How am I gonna get to school?
  • What am I gonna wear today?
  • Oh yeah... *looks down* sweatshirt... owwie...
  • Maybe Sarah can give me a ride to school today...
  • *looks in mirror* OMG WHAT HAPPENED TO MY HAIR!?
  • I really need to dry my hair before sleep...
  • Did I do my math hw?
  • How late am I gonna be for school?
  • Will I miss 1st hour?
  • ugh... sleep breath
  • *brushing teeth looking in mirror* AGH HAIR! AGH- SWEATSHIRT!!!
  • *with sweatshirt in one hand, hair straightener in other* I'm gonna be so late- and sarah can't give me a ride so I gotta walk... -,-
  • I don't like school.
  • I don't like mondays.
  • I wanna see Terrell today... -.-
Yeah... I really don't like mondays... monday+sami=BAD
I hope you guys had reasonably good days! =D

Hmm... I've been on advil all day... yesterday's experience is turning out to be a rather painful one... but it's ok.
Ugh, and I was kind of slacking today... so I have SO much homework... I'll be at it for hours. -,-
This is gonna be a long week.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

wait... REALLY? O.O

So, Sunday has come- oh how sad that the weekend is already ending. And it was going pretty well too! ^.^

School is such a hassle... psh. Oh yeah, my mom noticed... if you don't know what I'm talking about- chances are you're not supposed to.

She wasn't particularly angry... just kind of sarcastic, and funny about it. She plans on using it both for black-mail, and to make my sister angry... my family is so weird... o.o

Oohh, I might get to see my Love today... sounds fun. =) life is happy... unfortunately I need to go yell at a friend to stop being suicidal.... so I might post later.

I haven't had a whole lot to post about lately... hmm. <3

Friday, January 9, 2009

Vicious Ping-Pong I tell you... VICIOUS

AMAZING, right?
except for the creepy clown...
he scares me. luckily they locked him up, huh? ^.^ luls
LOVE MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND, and lately mine has been spinning. =P
Happy Friday myloves!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I got hit with a hammer... no... ping-pong ball? Yeah, you see I was playing ping-pong and...

Soo, It's been a couple days, hasn't it? It's just because I've been journaling again... =P I like posting blogs better though... I seem to find more to talk about knowing that I'm actually talking to other people here, and not just myself.
So, anyways... ignore blog title. lol, the funny thing is that I actually had a kid believing I got hit by a hammer... I was being sarcastic assuming that a 15 yr old would know otherwise, but he actually believed me; so I went with it. =D
Anyways... my life has been... well twisted I guess. But with Terrell in it, it could be nothing short of amazing, so that's how it is. Katie, you should call me. (but after 9pm, or on weekends, or on my house phone, or after 1/10) I wanna talk to you... so just call, k?
hehe, the song Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll- Guns 'n' Roses just came on... I'm so weird... =P
Quite obviously I really don't have anything specific to talk about that I'm gonna post... looking at how this is really short so far, and I've already wandered around with topics like 8 times... =P

So, I will now leave you with a small piece of advice- Watch out when walking through alleys after dark (or any other place for that matter), there are vampire-zombie-werewolves out... lots of reports of attacks lately. <3

I love you guys, hope your lives have been good (God knows you deserve it)

Friday, January 2, 2009

Journaling!? again!?

Yes yes... journaling is just, I guess a lot more private... understandably. =P
But in any case, I have been and now that I have been, there are obviously some things I want to share... well for now. :P
But, let's get started, shall we?

Why I Love you-
I love the way you say you love me.
I love the way you kiss my forehead.
I love the way you say good morning.
I love the way you remain in my thoughts, day and night.
I love the way you whisper things in my ear.
I love the sound of your voice floating in the air around me.
I love the way you smell.
I love the way you look.
I love you're insane height compared to mine.
I love the way you make me blush.
I love the warmth of being in your arms.
I love the way you make even bad days seem wonderful.
I love the way you say good night.
I love the way you let me trust you.
I love the way you let me adore you.
I love the way you pretend to stretch before putting your arm around me- as though you need an excuse...
I love the way you sometimes kiss my cheek by mistake.
I love the way you always give me something to look forward to.
I love the way you make my heart beat fast.
I love the way you apologize unnecessarily.
I love the way you hold me when I'm cold.
I love the way you hold me when I'm sleepy.
I love the way you hold me. <3
I love the way you write.
I love the way you compliment even the worst of my creations.
I love the way you make me smile with every thought of you.
I love the way you brighten my world.
I love the way you answer my questions.
I love the way you speak your mind.
I love the way you attempt to comprehend my insanity.
I love the way you let me love you.
I love the way this list could never truly end...
but must before my hands fall off from writing so fast.... <3
I love you.

there... my journaling. hmmm... we'll see how this goes over.